Displaying 401 - 410 of 1160.
The author discusses the debates surrounding the religion box on Egyptian identity cards, and the arguments presented both opposing and supporting the move.
Hānī al-A‘ṣar reports on Counselor Najīb Jibrā’īl submitting an official report to the Public Prosecutor against the father of the Christian twins Mario and Andrew on charges of disdaining Christianity.
The annual report of the State Department-affiliated U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom [USCIRF] on Egypt that was released on September 14, 2007 has created a lot of controversy within intellectual circles in Egypt.
The article narrates a story of a former Catholic priest who converted to Islam, adopted the Islamic name of Idrīs Tawfīq, and became an Islamic Dā‘yah.
Two university law professors have proposed a law to establish the procedures for converting from one religion to another.
German radio contacted AWR for a radio interview about the Holy Family tradition at the Holy Virgin Church in Maadi. Two Egyptian legal experts have drafted a proposed law to regulate conversions.
Dr. Wageih comments on Geert Wilders inaccurate interpretation of Qur’ānic verses in his film ’Fitna.’
Kamāl Zākhir Mūsá discusses a suggestion from thinker Samīr Marqus who has asked for a committee to examine the inclinations of individuals who intend to convert from one religion to another. Mūsá, however, refers to the absence of concepts of citizenship and civil state as the main roots of the...
Sulaymān Shafīq raises a number of notes on the issue of the renewal of religious discourse – in both the church and the Azhar – in light of the daily controversy over the conversion from one religion to another. Shafīq believes that men of religion should be studying worldly sciences alongside...
Nabīl Najīb Salāmah reviews press coverage of issues such as religious conversion and Muslim-Christian relations, accusing what he calls independent ‘tabloids’ of misusing the scope of freedom of press granted to them.


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