Displaying 1031 - 1040 of 1041.
The Gazette says the issue of el-Koshh was exploited by Samuel Fahd, a Copt living in Australia, who was trying to make a fortune out of this story to obtain entry visas for hundreds of Egyptian Copts who paid money to migrate to Australia. The Gazette further more refers to the opinions of Hulsman...
The ’Persecution Show’ in Al-Kushh is a new series in the many series being played against Egypt by its enemies for what came of events last August 15 in Al-Kushh did not deserve more than a 10-sentence news item in a local newspaper in its accident pages, even if this paper were a ’yellow journal...
Hulsman writes the press release contains false information and alleges an incorrect and absurd relationship to the Egyptian government and demands a rectification.
The press release criticizes the two previous Al Ahram articles and calls Hulsman "a double agent for the Egyptian government" who is afraid of being expelled from Egypt. The press release believes the letter Nafaa referred to in his article is a fabrication. They are upset because the Nafaa’s...
Opinions of several Cairo based journalists are given, selecting their criticism on the Sunday Telegraph report. Most space in the article was given to Cornelis Hulsman.
Finding out the truth is not easy but the extremely inaccurate and highly sensational way The Sunday Telegraph has, in its article of Sunday October 25, 1998, reported about Christians in Egypt ["Egyptian police ’crucify’ and rape Christians" by Christina Lamb] certainly doesn’t help the reader to...
Excessive reports appeared abroad about police torture in el-Koshh.
Drs. Hulsman writes a special report about his investigation of al-Kushḥ incidents in August, where some Christians where killed.t 1,000 Christians in the small town of al-Kushḥ," police behavior and mistakes in foreign reports about al-Kushḥ. The report contains an evaluation explaining how the...
Hulsman argues that there are social problems in Egypt but not persecution and that if the proposals for a law promoting religious freedom worldwide becomes law they could lead to polarization between Muslims and Christians in Egyptian society. He gives examples of stories which have been...
An interview with Kees Hulsman.


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