Displaying 571 - 580 of 1644.
The rank and file of the Muslim Brotherhood is allegedly on a state of high alert a few days before commemorating the dispersal of the Rāb’ah and Nahdah sit in. It called upon a number of the leaders of the group to confront those who get in the way of their rallies no matter what. Dr. Muhammad al...
Minister of Endowments Dr. Muhammad Mukhtār Jum’ah has called upon the Ministry of Interior to arrest Muhammad Nasr, who is publicly known as the preacher of Tahrir, accusing him of contempt of religion (Lū‘aī ‘Alī et al, al-Yawm al- Sābi’, August 11, p. 5) 
President ‘Abd al-Fattāh al-Sīsī stressed during a meeting with a group of media professionals that it is important to say the truth and to present it honestly. He discussed internal and international issues and assured that the homeland is facing many challenges. The president alerted that the...
Dr. Muhammad Mukhtār Jum’ah, Minister of Endowments has stated that it is Egypt’s fate to face extremism from two sides. The first side is that of religious extremism and the other is profanity and recklessness. He added that the main battle of the Azhar scholars is to face the manipulation of...
After returning of his medical trip abroad, Pope Tawadros visited Grand Imām Dr. Ahmad al-Tayyib Shaykh of the Azhar to congratulate him and all Muslims on the occasion of Īd al- Fitr. Pope Tawadros stated that Egypt stands high beyond any conspiracy and added that all states are in “Gods hands” (...
A number of Copts have started a campaign against Rose-al-Yūsuf Weekly Magazine, after it published an article entitled, “The Poor Copts Will Have Paradise; Massaging Pope Tawadros in Vienna.” This was considered by activists to be an insult to the Church and Pope Tawadros.  The activists started a...
Grand imām Shaykh Ahmad al-Tayyib, Shaykh of al- Azhar, has denounced what is happening in Iraq by having different militias killing innocent people, bomb mosques and committing crimes.
Human Rights Watch stated that the dispersal of Rāb'ah sit in was one of "systematic and widespread" killing of least 1,150 protesters, by the security forces, amounting probably to the level of crimes against humanity.  It was considered by the Egyptian Center for Human Rights surprising and...
Arab-West Report is currently working on a report on the 2014 Egyptian Constitution. As a part of this project, Diana Serôdio interviewed Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim [S’ad Al-Dīn Ibrahīm] – a sociologist and founder of the Egyptian think-tank Ibn Khaldun Institute – for a second time on July 22, 2014....
Arab-West Report is currently working on a report on the 2014Egyptian Constitution. As a part of this project, Diana Serôdio interviewed Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim [S’ad Al-Dīn Ibrahīm] – a sociologist and founder of the Egyptian think-tank Ibn Khaldun Institute – on July 16, 2014. The interview was...


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