Displaying 1001 - 1010 of 1492.
The Azhar recently released a fatwá that calls for tough penalties against people who convert to Islam and then revert back to their original religion. Opinions are divided as to what effect this fatwá could have on Egyptian society.
Muhammad Hijāzī, the controversial convert to Christianity speaks for the first time to the Egyptian press. He announces the birth of his daughter and asserts that he will continue to fight to achieve official recognition of his conversion.
The article reports on the statements of the participants of a seminar organized by Watanī salon along with the Committee of Freedoms at the Journalists’ Syndicate to discuss the possible means of activating the recommendations of the citizenship conference that was organized by the National...
The head of the Middle East Freedom Forum Magdi Khalil lays out the goals, aims and methods of his new organization and beseeches Egyptians to support and encourage its work.
Yūsuf Wahīb comments on Pope Shenouda’s advice for Coptic Orthodox not to get married to non-Orthodox.
The author, Hānī Ahmad Rizq, claims that a state of sectarian tension stormed the village of Miniyat al-Hayt in al-Fayyūm as a result of a Muslim villager accusing a Coptic family of kidnapping and harming his wife.
The article looks at recent incidents of fundamentalism in Egypt, citing the examples of a university course at Alexandria University and an Islamic thinker who has accused priests of secretly baptising converts.
The article looks at a new religious survey, Freedom in the World, which claims that none of the Christian communities in the Middle East are completely free. The author analyzes the changing face of Christianity in the Middle East and the reasons behind its recent decline.
Rumors have emerged on the Web chat program PalTalk claiming that a Muslim girl was kidnapped and tortured to death after following her conversion to Christianity.
The article discusses the case of two Christian girls whose father has converted to Islam. A court ruling has ordered that their mother hand over her two children to their father so that they can be raised as Muslims.


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