Displaying 1011 - 1020 of 1492.
The author looks at the status of the Baha’ī religion in Egypt and comments on the effects that this status can have on individuals.
The Administrative Judicial Court has rejected 105 out of the 400 lawsuits presented by converts who want to officially re-embrace Christianity.
Hānī Labīb suggests a number of measures by which a convert from one religion to another could be accepted in society.
The author, Robier al-Fāris, reports on a conflict between Bishop Paphnotius of Samālūt and Bishop Bīshūy, secretary of the Holy Synod.
The article reports on recent verdict of the Supreme Administrative Court that obliges the Ministry of Interior to officially acknowledge the conversion to Christianity on the identity cards of Christian-born converts to Islam.
The authors discuss the issue of unifying the Adhān, whether it is a legitimate step or it contradicts Islamic Sharī‘ah. They quote the opinions of Muslim scholars on the issue.
Pope Benedict XVI explicitly declared that the Christianization of Muslims is ’a matter of life and death’ to the Catholic Church.
The following article discusses the exaggerated interpretations of some Western Christians about the position of Christians in Egypt.
Inaccurate media reporting frequently fuel rumors. The article presents a discussion on how false media reporting negatively affects Christians in Egypt.
Hanī Labīb says that despite freedom of faith being one of basis of citizenship, conversion from one religion to another is considered to be a reason for sectarian tensions. He supports a call for establishing a program for preparing converts to fully accept their new faith.


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