Displaying 1091 - 1100 of 1492.
Dr. Wasīm al-Sīsī believes that Egyptians are more likely to be the chosen people of God than Jews as they have the long-standing civilization, sciences, and ethics that Jews lack. He also believes that Jews have stolen the heroic stories of the Pharaonic kings and wrongfully recorded them in their...
Ālā’ Hamzah reports on a documentary film produced by the Middle East Christian Association entitled, ‘The Persecution of Copts in Egypt,’ that presents claims about Copts being discriminated against since the Islamic conquest of Egypt.
The author talks about newspapers that publish stories about conversion from one religion to another, believing that they aim at inflaming sectarian sedition under the guise of the freedom of the press.
Fadel Soliman refutes Geert Wilder’s suppositions presented in his film ’Fitna.’ The following article provides Soliman’s critique on the manipulation employed by Wilder in his film.
Text presented to the Dutch delegation consisting of representatives of Dutch churches and Muslim organizations at the Egyptian Press Syndicate.
Dr. Wageih comments on Geert Wilders inaccurate interpretation of Qur’ānic verses in his film ’Fitna.’
The article reports on the angry reactions of Muslim countries after new caricatures which mock the Prophet Muhammad were published in a Swedish newspaper.
Kamāl Zākhir Mūsá discusses a suggestion from thinker Samīr Marqus who has asked for a committee to examine the inclinations of individuals who intend to convert from one religion to another. Mūsá, however, refers to the absence of concepts of citizenship and civil state as the main roots of the...
Sulaymān Shafīq raises a number of notes on the issue of the renewal of religious discourse – in both the church and the Azhar – in light of the daily controversy over the conversion from one religion to another. Shafīq believes that men of religion should be studying worldly sciences alongside...
The following presents a response from a number of Dutch organizations regarding Geert Wilders’ film ’Fitna,’ stressing their rejection thereof and the fact that this film represents the mindset of only a minimal percentage of the Dutch population.


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