Displaying 1251 - 1260 of 1492.
Council of State rules in favor of NGO status. Circulating rumors about Bishop Kyrillos of Naj al-Hammādī followed by demonstrations. PhD thesis declares Rose al-Yūsuf apostate, showing great divide between liberal minded journalists and traditionalist Islamic scholars.
Asharq al-Awsat reports that the statements of Hirsi Ali against Islām were seen by members of Muslim communities as a trick, deployed in order to gain asylum. Dutch journalist Eildert Mulder, who interviewed Ali, does not believe that this allegation is true
The Egyptian press has widely covered the four-day visit that Pope Benedict XVI paid to Turkey from November 28 to December 1, 2006 in an obvious attempt to heal the wounds opened by his earlier "offensive" remarks on Islam and the Prophet Muhammad. According to political analysts, the pontiff’s...
A Muslim lady resorted to her Coptic friend to escape from her groom. A Coptic husband accused a Muslim man of urging his wife to escape and converting into Islām. The disappearance of a baby from al-‘Adhrā’ Church led to sectarian unrest in al- Salām city.
Father Zakarīyā Butrus, the controversial priest who foments anger of Muslims, of Egypt in particular and the Arab world in general, through his programs which launched a no-holds-barred attack on the Islamic faith on ‘al-Hayāt’satellite channel, appears for the first time in Arab media.
On Tuesday, Pope Benedict will start a four-day visit to Turkey amidst growing protests in Istanbul and Ankara. Tens of thousands took to the streets and chanted anti-pope slogans, expressing their fury at the pope’s remarks on Islām which he made two months ago in a lecture at the University of...
The American delegation investigating religious freedoms in Egypt started its meetings with Egyptian prominent religious and public figures. The delegation’s visit to Egypt is receiving wide criticism by almost all Egyptian organisations, intellectuals, and political parties.
Articles that provide a good insight in feelings in the Arab and Muslim world. Discrimination, equality and negative sentiments in Muslim-Christian relations. Local Muslims taking unregistered land that was used by Christians. Civil Affairs Authority did not provide some Christians with a Christian...
A critique of a number of articles published on the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood group’s website, deeming individuals or institutions to be kāfir.
Groups that seek converts to Islām or Christianity via the internet have widely expanded. Contrary to the teachings of both religions, these groups are trying to attract girls using lies and deception.


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