Displaying 1281 - 1290 of 1492.
According to the paper, the Roman Catholic Church is worried about the great number of conversions to Islam.
The author discusses the two day conference organized by Coptic author Kamāl Zākhir Mūsa about reform that is needed in the Coptic Orthodox Church. The Coptic Orthodox Church has been trying to prevent this conference from taking place but it will start on the same day that Pope Shenouda celebrates...
A review of Robert al-Faris’ review of Naguib Mahfouz’s previously banned novel, “Awlad Haretna” from a Christian perspective.
A Muslim-Christian conference has been held to face, what the author describes as, the chaos of religious freedom of expression.
Christians making claims without any evidence about Muslims ‘Abducting Christian girls for conversion. Critique on an Al-Ahrār article for the way it expresses anger for Israeli violence.
Political, constitutional and legislative reform and freedom of the press are the main subjects discussed by the author in this article. He compares the current situation with promises made by President Mubārak prior to the last elections.
The author discusses journalists’ angry reactions to a suggestion made by a member of the Muslim Brotherhood in parliament that journalists be whipped instead of jailed.
The author reviews the recommendations of the 4th expatriate Copts conference held in the state of New Jersey, which included demands to amend the second article of the constitution asserting that Islam is the State’s official religion, and an official apology for the regime’s crimes against the...
The review deals with the issue of the Bahā’ī faith in Egypt amidst a tug-of -war between supporters of the Egyptian Bahā’īs’ right to have their faith openly registered in their identity cards and those denying them any rights and terming them as infidels or apostates.
The author tackles the deteriorating conditions of Copts, asserting that the left-wing’s failure to fulfill their role has a negative impact on this framework.


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