Displaying 141 - 150 of 1480.
The US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), an American governmental commission monitoring religious freedom all around the world, claimed that in the last year Iranian state authorities stepped up repression of non-Shia Muslim, especially Sufi and Sunnite and other religious ...
After the recent increase attacks on places of worship, the UN Secretary General António Guterres stressed the necessity for the world community to increase its efforts to eliminate Anti-semitism, Islamophobia, persecution of Christians and all forms of racism, xenophobia, discrimination and...
Many foreign media outlets coverage focused on the political scene in Egypt highlighting the results of the constitutional plebiscites that ended with a victory to the Islamist powers; however leaving the credibility of the ruling Muslim Brotherhood, and most of all, the legitimacy of a hastily...
In a statement he delivered on Saturday, December 22, Dr. Yāsir Burhāmī, Deputy of the Salafī Call (al-Da’wah al-Salafīyah), attacked media outlets, the Coptic Church, and the opposition.
“You do not deserve freedom and justice, if you deny them for your opponents, and if you do not strive to grant them the full rights of citizenship, so be sure that no one will strive for yours, unless you experience the bitter taste of being segregated. Freedom, justice and equality are rights...
Al-Misrīyūn, on December 14,  comments that in few years, Churches bells will “not be heard anymore” in the United Kingdom, where Christians in big numbers are converting to be Muslims making Islam to be the fastest growing religion in the British state, this trend is expected to continue. 
Al-Marj Criminal Court sentenced Albert Sābir ‘Ayād to three years in prison, commutable by a fine of one thousand Egyptian pound, for contempt of religion, insulting God and the holy prophets and promoting a film depicting the Prophet Muhammad in a negative way on Facebook. 
The Journalists’ Syndicate expressed its anger and dismay at the systematic targeting of the media and journalists by supporters of President Mursī and members of the Freedom and Justice Party, and their being prevented from photographing or recording brutal attacks against the media and opponents...
A number of Salafī figures have criticized the issuance of a law that criminalizes refusing to salute the flag and one that prohibits parties on a religious basis (Mustafá Hāsim and Muhammad al-Fikī, al-Shurūq, Oct. 4, p. 4).  Read the original text in Arabic.  
The Washington Post said just hours after an Islamist-dominated assembly approved a new national constitution Friday morning, tens of thousands of protesters began pouring into Taḥrīr Square to say they objected to nearly everything about it.


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