Displaying 161 - 170 of 1492.
The health ministry announced that the total number of injured persons during Wednesday’s nationwide protests rose to 260, including 35 in the iconic al-Taḥrīr Square, 129 in al-Shūn Square in al-Gharbiyya governorate, nine in al-Sāʿa Square in al-Biḥayra, 56 outside the Brotherhood’s Freedom and...
Al-Azhar appealed to President Muḥammad Mursī to emphasize the rule of law and work on bringing all political powers together at the dialogue table to renounce schism and provide a proper and rational atmosphere to finalize a consensus constitution expressive of all segments of the Egyptian people.
Fārūq Husnī, the former minister of culture, said he hoped there would be no plans to settle accounts with him over his past remarks regarding his position towards the hijāb, noting the he sticks to his personal conviction that the hijāb should be classified as personal option.
Hannes Swoboda, President of the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists & Democrats in the European Parliament, rejected insults to religious symbols, noting there is difference between the freedom of expression and affronts to religion. [Muhammad al-Fiqī and Akram Najīb, al-Akhbār,...
Albair Sābir ‘Ayyād, a 27-year-old Christian young man who is under investigative custody on charges he disdained religions, dismissed the accusations and said what he spoke about on his social media networking websites Facebook, Twitter and YouTube pages already exist in comparative theology and...
Sarah’s disappearance sparked a fuss in human rights circles after the Da’wah announced she has converted to Islam and married to 27-year-old Abū Zayd, but later the Salafī movement backtracked on its earlier statements and said it does not know her whereabouts.
 A ‘urfī (informal) conciliatory session in ‘Izbit Marco, held in the presence of the Beni Suef security chief and head of the criminal investigations department, overran Copts’ prayer and freedom of worship rights as the session ended in decisions prohibiting Christians from nearby villages who...
Acting patriarch of the Coptic Orthodox Church Bishop Pachomius named the 12 children that will enter in a lot to pick one of them that will in turn pick one of three pieces of paper to announce the name of the 118th pope to succeed late Pope Shenouda III, who passed away in March 2012.
Bishop Bula, the spokesman for the Coptic Orthodox Church, said gate no. 1 of the Saint Mark Cathedral will be devoted for the entry of bishops, monks and nuns and no. 2 for the entry of Christian leaders from other denominations, archons and members of the Lay Council.
All Egyptians are looking forward to enhancing the lofty spiritual role that has been characterizing the Coptic church throughout its history in a time when Egypt now needs a new moral resurrection to blow the cobweb of corruption away.


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