Displaying 391 - 400 of 1492.
Spokesman of President Mursī, Dr. Yāsir ꞌAlī, yesterday commented on statements delivered by President Mursī on Egyptian Christians describing them as “minorities”. Accusing media of delivering false reports, ꞌAlī argued that media have taken President Mursī’s statements out of context and that the...
Coptic activists stated that extensive talks between the liberal forces headed by the National Salvation Front and al-Dustūr Party are running to form a coalition and coordinate work together during the upcoming parliamentary elections to challenge the political Islamic parties (Ahmad Khālid and...
Father Butrus Butrus of the Coptic Orthodox Saint George Church in Kafr al-Shaykh expressed his gratitude towards the visit of the city’s governor and his accompanying delegation, stressing that this visit is highly appreciated especially after some militant Islamists have prohibited the...
Upon celebrating the Christmas Mass on January 7 and receiving the congratulatory wishes extended by Egyptian public personalities, Pope Tawadros II left to Saint Bishoy Monastery (Dayr al-Anbā Bīshūy) in Wādī al-Natrūn. According to a Church source, the Pope is reviving the weekly sermon tradition...
Daughter of leading Muslim Brotherhood member, Khadījah al-Shātir, wrote on her social networking Facebook account page on January 7: “It is a twist of fate to see the universe rainy and thundering during the Christian holidays each year as signs of anger of God over the Christians punishing them...
Wide reactions arose upon the statement delivered during a press conference organized by Bishop Kyrillos of Naj’ Hammādī on abduction cases and hastily paid ransoms to the kidnappers by anxious families, while accusing the security forces of failing to perform investigation and arrest of the...
Secretary of the Coptic Orthodox Holy Synod, Bishop Raphael, said in a statement delivered to al-Misrī al-Yawm, after Christmas mass in the Coptic Church in Alexandria last Monday, that Pope Tawadros II will maintain the policy of his predecessors late Pope Shenouda and before him Pope Kyrillos of...
The Salafī-leaning Islamic Legitimate Body of Rights and Reformation (ILBRR) issued a fatwá that forbids congratulating Christians on their religious festivities. Commenting on the fatwá in an article written in al-Musawwir weekly magazine, the Coptic thinker and author, Yahyá Tadrous, cited...
The three main Christian denominations in Egypt (Orthodox, Catholic, and Evangelical) are having a meeting today (January 21, 2013) to discuss boycotting the national dialogue at the Presidential Palace due to the Freedom and Justice Party's practices with the national powers (‘Abd al-Wahāb Sha’bān...
A young Coptic business from Abū Mannāꞌ village, Dishnā Township, west of Qena had been kidnapped and no ransom demanded to date. Despite lack of information on his whereabouts, the family of the kidnapped Marqus Salīm Wahbah has information that the kidnappers belong to one of the many gangs known...


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