Displaying 421 - 430 of 1492.
In the Netherlands, the Council of State, or Raad van State in Dutch, the highest legal advisory body in the country, rejected a draft law banning the niqāb [Muslim female head-to-toe cover dress code] the government, which is in alliance with the ultra-rightist Geert Wilders, was planning to see...
The French satirical magazine, Charlie Hebdo, published a 46-page special sacrilegious cartoon issue on the life of Prophet Muhammad. In September, Charlie Hebdopublished cartoons as protests were taking place in several countries over a US film humiliating the prophet. French schools, consulates...
A diplomatic source confirmed to Rose al-Yūsuf magazine, that the Israeli Embassy in Egypt has been informed that no tourist visas will be issued to Jews who intend to enter the country to celebrate the annual pilgrimage to Rabbi Abu Hasira, the Jewish rabbi, whose tomb is located in the village of...
Al-Watan newspaper’s reporter Muná Madkūr in an interview with Hishām al-’Ashrī, founder of the Salafī Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice in Egypt; al-’Ashrī has got the American citizenship, his upbringing has Muslim Brotherhood backgrounds; however, he implements the...
The “Coordinating Citizenship” Program, which includes Coptic activists, party-members, and parliamentarians, issued a statement in which it affirmed its rejection of the special visit conducted by the Committee on Religious Freedoms of the U.S. State Department to Egypt. They also rejected...
On Sunday the Egyptian Authority declared that they had attacked one of the leaders of the Anṣār Bayt al-Maqdis that is supporting  Dāʿish [ISIS/ISIL] during a security attempt to arrest him in al- ʿArīsh.
  Dozens of people, including police officers and [army] conscripts, were injured in clashes between Muslims and Christians in the village of al-Muhayidāt in Luxor, in the south of Egypt.
10 were killed and 11 wounded in a car bomb attack on a security checkpoint in al-ʿArīsh [al-Arish], North Sinai. This information was provided by medical sources. The attack was followed by a clash with automatic weapons, which led to the wounding of 10 policemen and 10 civilians. Furthermore, one...
  "I thank the nation’s shield, the Armed Forces, for their heroic role in the restoration of the churches damaged by the Muslim Brotherhood," said Pastor ‘Andrīh Zakī, head of the Evangelical community in Egypt.
Editor AWR: This view is expressed by Rekaya el-Hafi [Ruqayya al-Hāfī], a Tunisian humanitarian activist who was born and raised in a Muslim family but represents the Eglise Reformé de Tunis in its relation between the Tunisian government and civil society. Tunisia’s constitution advocates freedom...


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