Displaying 431 - 440 of 1492.
As a Muslim, I have been deeply concerned about relations between Christians and Muslims in Egypt in light of the recent attacks against the Coptic community. In fact, in the wake of the Minya bus attack and the Palm Sunday church bombings, I felt that the Muslim community in Egypt wasn’t vocal...
Tensions are high in Egypt following the brutal attack on Christians in Minya [Minyā] on May 27, leaving 29 Christians, among them ten children, dead and 25 others wounded. Father Yo’annis [Yū'annis] of Qufada  [Qufādā] told us that most of the Christians came from the dioceses of Maghagha [...
I just returned from a visit to the UK where I attended a church service in Startfort, London. Stratfort is an area with a large percentage of Muslims living in it. They prayed for the victims of the Manchester bombing while simultaneously speaking with great love about their Muslim neighbours....
Ramadan 2017 starts Friday evening May 26 and is expected to end on June 24. We are now receiving wishes from friends for a blessed Ramadan but it is too simple to wish blessings while only days earlier, May 22, the 22 year-old Salman Abedi [Salmān ʿĀbidī] blew himself up just after an Ariana...
The Alexandria Criminal Court ruled to sentence ʿĀdil Abū al-Nūr Sulaymān", also known as ”ʿĀdil ʿAsaliyya” to death for slaughtering the Coptic citizen Lamʿ ī Yūsuf in Alexandria.
Hānī ʿAbd al-Raḥmān, the official documentarian of New Suez Canal, announced that he will begin to document the information related to the housing of Coptic families moving from al-ʿArīsh to al-Ismāʿīlīya after being targeted by terrorists.
Prof. Jabir Naṣār, president of Cairo University, stated that there is no problem with building a church on the campus of Cairo University, clarifying that no-one had discussed this with him.
Egyptian political activist and blogger Michael Nabīl, who spent 302 days before SCAF pardoned him on the first anniversary of the January 25, 2011 revolution, said he spent very long times in solitary confinement.   “Even if I was allowed mingling with other prisoners, they are strictly ordered...
The Būlāq Abū al-'Ilā Court of Misdemeanor starts on Saturday (January 14) the first session in the trial of Coptic businessman Najīb Sawirus on charges of disdaining religion. The public prosecution had pressed charges against Sawirus that he deliberately slandered Islam and improperly made fun of...
The statement underlined some controls and governing principles of these freedoms in light of the Arab Spring revolutions in a way that would preserve societal accordance and public interests in a stage of democratization in several Arab countries. The statement noted that the Azhar's call was only...


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