Displaying 481 - 490 of 1492.
Coptic activist Mīlād Ḥannā was born in June 1924 and is the co-founder of the left-wing opposition party al-Tajammuʿ Party. Ḥannā said that he could have easily been a minister if he had chosen to do some lip-service to President Mubārak; however, the fact that he has criticized the government on...
A report which president of the Council, Muhammad Fā’iq, submitted to Egyptian President ‘Abd al-Fatāh al-Sīsī found that that more than 212 prisoners were killed during the last year within police stations and prisons due to torture or lack of medical attention. Three women were among the dead....
Michael Munīr was born in 1968 in Egypt in Abu Qurqas near Minia to a Coptic Catholic family even though he today considers himself Coptic Orthodox. Munīr refers to his life in Egypt as a member of an oppressed Christian minority without religious freedom, citing this as his reason to emigrate to...
Reverend Jerry Lamon Falwell was born on August 11, 1933 in Lynchburg, Virginia and deceased in May 2007.  In 1967, Falwell created an evangelical educational institution called the Lynchburg Christian Academy. The most echoing case of insult caused by Falwell was September 2002, when he gave an...
Jamāl al-Bannā was born in 1920 in al-Mahmūdiyyah in al-Bihīrah governorate, Egypt. His elder brother was al-Imām Ḥasan al-Bannā, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood. Despite being the brother of the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, al-Bannā pursued quite different interests. al-Bannā...
Jamāl al-Bannā was born in 1920 in al-Mahmūdiyyah in al-Bihīrah governorate, Egypt. His elder brother was al-Imām Hasan al-Bannā, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood. Despite being the brother of the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, al-Bannā pursued quite different interests. al-Bannā...
Ḥasan Ḥanafī is a Muslim liberal leftist thinker who has been and still is a professor in philosophy at Cairo University since 1988. His vast knowledge on a broad field of philosophy and religion has given him many positions and invitations throughout his career. Ḥanafī's political understanding of...
Flemming Rose is a Danish journalist, author and since 2010 foreign affairs editor at the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten. As culture editor of the same newspaper, he was responsible for the September 2005 publication of the Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons that led to huge controversy early the...
General bishop: Bishop Buṭrus of the Coptic Orthodox Church is known for the controversy over the Charity Isle of Patmos. He has been a bishop since 1985, Member of board of advisors and founder of Charity Isle of Patmos [named after the Greek Island where the apostle John received his Revelation...


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