Displaying 551 - 560 of 1492.
The Bani Mazār Court will deliver the verdict in the trial of four Coptic Christian students charged with contempt of religion on 25 February.
The crackdown on freedom of speech and expression continues in Egypt. This last weekend an Egyptian-German academic was denied entry and a social and political cartoonist was arrested and detained for 24 hours.
Journalists, intellectuals, and public figures called to change part of Article 98 in the press law, during a conference entitled “No To Inquisition” in the Press Syndicate on Tuesday.
The Egyptian military on Tuesday released the journalist Hūsām Bahgat, hours beore planned demonstrations in Cairo, London and other cities to call for his freedom.
When Jon Stewart appeared on Bāsem Yūsuf's satirical news Al Bernāmeg in 2013, he told his Egyptian host that satire “doesn't get me into the kind of trouble it gets you into.”
U. S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) Chairman Robert P. George said that the religious situation in Egypt has “complicated' over the past year, although President `Abd al-Fattāh al-Sisi made 'noteworthy' statements to urge religious reform.
The Association for Freedom of Thought and Expression (AFTE) affirmed Monday that reforming the legislative and regulatory structure of the press and the media in Egypt is the only way to avoid cases where breaches of privacy rights conflict with freedom of expression and the public's right to know...
A journalist and the editor-in-chief of a newspaper run by state-owned Akhbār al-Yawm news organization were referred to a criminal court on Saturday for publishing and writing an article with “obscene sexual content”.
Freedom House classified Egypt as “not free” with regards to freedom on the internet from June 2014-May 2015 in its latest report released on Tuesday.
Security personnel arrested Isma`ĭl Iskandarānī, a journalist and human rights activist, at Hurghāda airport late Sunday, security sources told Al-Masrī Al-Yawm.


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