Displaying 631 - 640 of 1492.
The Holy Azhar denounced republishing the cartoons dishonoring Prophet Muhammad by the French newspaper Charlie Hebdo.
Members of the Egyptian Family House, headed by the Azhar's Grand Shaykh Dr. Ahmad al-Tayīb, issued a statement refusing the film dishonoring Prophet Muhammad. The statement included leaders of the three main Christian denominations in Egypt. They statement continues that the film angered Muslims...
Al-'Ajūzah Misdemeanor Court acquitted 'Adil Imām of the charges of insulting religion after his attorney submitted all the required evidence. The article has no link online.
The Israeli media outlets broadcasted extensive media coverage of the killing of the United States Ambassador in Libya . Further, it expressed its concern about statements that an Israeli Jew produced the film. Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper said that it is a provocative movie that mocked the Prophet...
As President Mohamed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood slowly appropriate power, they consistently issue an unspoken theme: Trust us. They do not say so, of course; that no one should be trusted is a platitude in politics. Rather, at each step from the revolution through the transition to the...
Today's overview highlights the issue of Dahshūr, where calm has been restored and local residents have appealed to Coptic families who left their houses after unrest in the troubled area to return home. The al-Jamā'ah al-Islāmīyah (Islamic Group) said the Dahshūr clashes did not amount to a...
Mu’āz Muhammad breathed his last breath affected by his wounds after a dispute broke out between a Coptic ironing man and a Muslim client in which Mu’āz was hit by a Molotov Cocktail passing by the area coincidently. [Ahmad ‘Abdullah and Muhammad al-Bahrāwī, al-Misrī al-Yawm, August 1, p. 3] Read...
I participated this week in a meeting to which I was invited by friend novelist Dr. 'Azzah Kāmil, Director of Appropriate Communication Techniques for Development Organization [ACT]. The meeting’s title was “Towards Effective Strategies for Combating Violence and Trafficking of Women and Girls”. Dr...
The United States of America welcomed the democratic transitions occurring in North Africa and the Middle East, especially in Egypt, Libya and Tunis. However, in the Department of State annual report, the U.S. expressed its concerns over religious minorities in these countries, including Christians...
The salafī al-Asālah and al-Nūr parties excoriated the Azhar over the top Sunni establishment’s reiterated calls to keep Article II as stated in the 1971 Constitution. [Muhammad ‘Anaz, al-Ahrām, July 22, p. 4] Read original text in Arabic


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