Displaying 641 - 650 of 1492.
Saudi Arabian security forces have released Mūsá Ja'far al-Mabyūq after his involvement in unrest in al-Qatīf Province (Eastern region). He was on the wanted list of the largely Shī’ah area which has seen intermittent disturbances.
Representatives of Christian denominations and some Sufi Muslim leaders met several times to discuss ways to promote moderate ideologies in the society, disseminate the culture of acceptance of others and advance the rule of law, lawyer Amīr Ramzī revealed. [Ahmad al-Sa’dāwī, al-Shurūq al-Jadīd,...
Muhammad Mursī was declared president Sunday after several days of uncertainty that resulted from a presidential election that exposed deep polarization in Egyptian society - those who favor an Islamist civilian president and oppose a member of the Mubarak regime were pitted against those who fear...
Copts’ concerns about the growing power of Islamists brought them to back candidates from the former regime like Ahmad Shafīq, the last prime minister in the Husnī Mubārak tenure, and ‘Amr Mūsá, the former minister of foreign affairs and former secretary-general of the Arab League, according to a...
Presidential candidate Khālid ‘Alī said he is not in favor of a unified law regulating construction of houses of worship due to conditions that might be proper for churches and improper for mosques, adding this law could give rise to sectarian troubles. [Shādyah Yūsuf, al-Ahrām, May 9, p. 4] Read...
Anti-riot police forces reinforced presence around the Saint Mark Cathedral in the Cairo district of al-‘Abbāssīyah, where renewed clashes erupted between protesters and thugs on Wednesday (May 2) as nine armored vehicles parked outside the cathedral that closed its gates. [‘Imān Ibrāhīm and...
Acting patriarch of the Coptic Orthodox Church Bishop Pachomius pledged the church will not interfere in Christians’ votes to elect a president of the republic, adding Copts demand that the clear mention of civil state be included in the constitution. [Khayr Rāghib, Yāsir Shimīs, Hamdī Qāsim, Ahmad...
The U.S. State Department’s International Religious Freedoms report grilled the ruling authorities in Egypt, which, it said, caused religious freedom violations, adding Egypt, the heart of the Arab Spring, has seen hope turning into panic after human rights deteriorations under the Supreme Council...
The Maspero Youth Union (MYU) held the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) and police "entirely responsible" for any loss of life, property or that Copts besieged inside a church in the village of Mīt Bashār in al-Zaqāzīq, al-Sharqia governorate, or the Muslims trying to protect the church...
Subhī Sālih, a member of parliament from the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party (FJP), said there are some attempts to spark a falling out between youths in al-Tahrīr Square and parliament on one hand and the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) on the other. [Fātimah ‘Abd al-...


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