Displaying 671 - 680 of 1492.
“Through the past years, Copts faced many problems in practicing their religious rites due to the minimal number of churches in many places” says Īhab Ramzī, the author of the article.
CAIRO: Egypt’s Supreme Administrative Court ruled on Sunday in favor of Christian reconverts, allowing them to be identified as Christians on their national ID cards and birth certificates.
The Supreme Administrative Court set the July 2 session to resume considering the case of re-converters to Christianity. A number of Copts had converted to Islam and later converted back to Christianity and asked the interior ministry to have their personal information proving their Christian, not...
To be pious and religious is a wonderful thing but the problems begin when this devoutness turns into fanaticism or extremism, writes Yūḥannā Qultah Sa‘īd, Deputy Patriarch of the Coptic Catholic Church and former vice president of the World Council of Churches (WCC), in an opinion article....
By paying a little attention to the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces’ constitutional declaration, and noting the time required for both the People’s Assembly and Shura Council elections which require drafting and agreeing on a new constitution, we will notice clearly that Egypt will remain...
“Islam doesn’t need anyone, most of the girls who convert to Islam convert just to marry a Muslim man and not because of the religion itself” says Yūssif Sakr, Dr ‘Amr Abd al Rahman’s lawyer.
Copts opened a side of the Kornish Street which leads to Tahrir square; this side has been closed since the beginning of the protest.
No sooner did the authorities issue a decision to reopen a number of churches which had been closed by the former security apparatus than a crisis erupted—one in a long line of attempts to hijack the 25 January Revolution by forces opposed to democracy, freedom, and citizenship rights. Among the...
In the immediate aftermath of the tragic attack against the Copts in Imbabāh a fortnight ago—the latest in a series of episodes by salafis and thugs aimed at hijacking the 25 January Revolution—the National Council for Human Rights (NCHR) dispatched a fact-finding commission to Imbabāh. The...
In al-Jumhūrīyah, page 1, May 20, 2011, reports noted that the Coptic Maspero protests may be solved after a decision to reopen four churches and the release of Coptic detainees in Maspero incidents, proven to be not involved in the incident.  


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