Displaying 691 - 700 of 1492.
Dr. Mustafá Rashīd, professor of Islamic Sharī‘ah, asserts that he is a Layman, and blames the dictatorial former regime for distorting the image of secularism.
Salafists in Kafr el-Sheikh distributed thousands of flyers demanding that people not celebrate Shām al Nīsim, saying that it is considered polytheism.
'Alī Jum'ah, Muftī of the Republic, and Dr. Ahmad ‘Umar Hāshim, former President of the Azhar University, condemned attackers of shrines, asserting that it is against religion.
A Coptic source, who preferred to remain anonymous, accuses Dr. 'Isām al-'Iryān , Member of Muslim Brotherhood's council and Spokesperson of the Muslim Brotherhood Group for the failure of talks between Copts and the Muslim Brotherhood group.
"What is the problem of Islamic rule ?? Egypt is a Muslim country according to the constitution of the year 1923 which is 5 years before  the Muslim Brotherhood group was established" says Subhī Salīh, Muslim Brotherhood figure and a member in the constitutional amendments committee.
The January 25 revolution was a manifestation of equality among all Egyptians as the Muslim Brotherhood, communists, salafists and liberals were all standing next to each other that no one could tell the difference between them, Rashā 'Azab writes in an article.
Application of hudūd by salafists is running rampant after the January 25 revolution.
Many religious movements surfaced nowadays with zero restrictions, committing many crimes like cutting off the ear of a Copt, destroying shrines and expelling a woman out of her apartment in the 6th of October City after she was convicted in a vice-related case.
The Coptic Orthodox Church calls on all people to seek good ethics and bring anyone who commits mistakes before justice irrespective of their religion, according to Archpriest Ṣalīb Sawirus, a member of the Church's al-Majlis al-Millī (Community Council). Jamal As'ad, a Coptic activist, said that...
Public Prosecutor ʿAbd al-Majīd Maḥmūd will hear Dr. Maḥmūd Mazrūʿah, Dean of Usūl al-Dīn Faculty of al-Azhar University, on March 27 in a report filed by lawyer Mamdūḥ Ismāʿīl and five other lawyers against Yaḥyā al-Jamāl, Deputy Prime Minister of Egypt.


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