Displaying 81 - 90 of 1492.
Egyptian and French officials held discussions on Sunday related to terrorism, extremism, and political developments in the region. 
In light of the controversy caused by the recent comments made by French President Emmanuel Macron, al-Ahrām Portal talked to three Coptic intellectuals who agreed that insulting Islam, religions in general, and prophets is unacceptable from a Christian perspective.  However, some of them also...
Terrorist attacks have been on the rise lately, with the most recent one being an attack on a synagogue in Austria.  On November 2, gunmen attacked six locations in Vienna, resulting in one death and at least 16 others being injured with the police killing one of the assailants.
Minister of Endowments [al-Awqāf] and head of the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs Dr. Muḥammad Mukhtār Jumaʿa said that the Ministry of Endowments has decided that "interfaith and cultural dialogue" will be the topic of the upcoming conference for the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs.  The...
The Observatory for Monitoring Takfiri Fatwas and Extremist Views condemned the terrorist attack targeting a Greek Orthodox priest in the French city of Lyon.
In a meeting led by Shaykh of al-Azhar Dr. Aḥmad al-Ṭayyib on Monday, the Muslim Council of Elders condemned the systematic campaign seeking to disparage the Prophet Muḥammad and mock Islam under the motto of “freedom of expression.”  It also condemned the murder of French teacher Samuel Paty as...
Al-Azhar Observatory for Combating Extremism participated in the first "Hemispheric Forum on Freedom of Religion or Belief" which was organized by the Colombian government [as part of the International Religious Freedom or Belief Alliance].  Al-Azhar was invited by Colombian Minister of Foreign...
Since the beheading of a French history teacher by a religious extremist in France, French officials have been facing outcry on social media for their statements insisting the incident is linked to Islam. 
Dr. Shawqī ʿAllām, Grand Mufti of Egypt, welcomed a high ranking American delegation led by John Barsa, head of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Jonathan Cohen, American ambassador to Cairo, and Samah Norquist, chief advisor for international religious freedom at...
The Association for Freedom of Thought and Expression (AFTE) published a report on freedom of teaching and research in Egyptian universities. The report presents that researchers at Egyptian universities face a variety of restrictions that limit their academic freedoms. The association that is made...


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