Displaying 801 - 810 of 1492.
Rose al-Yūsuf writes about choosing a new president for the Azhar University instead of Dr. Ahmad al-Tayyib, the current Grand Imām.
The author reports on allegations about psychiatric medical centers that abuse the fragile state of drug addicts to convince them to convert to Christianity.
The Administrative Court rejects a lawsuit filed by Mario and Andrew’s mother against the minister of the interior and the head of the Department of Civil Affairs.
This article by Watani details the rally by the National Committee for Confronting Sectarian Violence against Egyptian Media for its portrayal of sectarian incidents which cause much harm to Copts. The rally was held in front of the Television and Radio Union building in Cairo, Egypt. Watani...
Arab-West Report covers Coptic protests over the Supreme Administrative Court decision obliging the church to remarry divorcees. Jayson Casper offers his reflection on the demonstrations.
Jayson Casper reports from a press conference held by Pope Shenouda dealing with the recent controversy over remarriage. Shenouda reiterates his statement that the Coptic Orthodox Church will refuse to implement the Supreme Administrative Court ruling obliging the church to remarry divorcees. 
Governor of Upper Egyptian Assyut noted that no sectarian clashes have been recorded over the past few years in the governorate.
The American Religious Freedoms Committee does not feel satisfied with the verdict issued acquitting the four Muslims accused of killing a Copt. They described the verdict as a reflection of the absence of justice in dealing with the violent sectarian incidents between Copts and Muslims which,...
12-13 people were detained under alleged charges of Evangelization. Al-Misrī al-Yawm was the only newspaper to report today on the release of the detained.
Converts to Islam who want to re-embrace Christianity are waiting for the final ruling of the appeal.


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