Displaying 861 - 870 of 1492.
Father ‘Abd al-Masīh Basīt, Priest of the Virgin Mary Church in Musturud, comments on the case against him by Dr. Yūsuf Zaydān, the author of ‘‘Azāzīl’ novel.
Al-Dustūr reports on the recent decision taken by the court concerning Bahā’īs and Muslim converts to Christianity
Watani International analyses two recent issues that it sees as indicative of the increasing fanaticism in Egyptian society. The first is that of a fatwá that stated that it is a sin for Muslims to leave money in their wills to churches and the second is the case of 155 individuals who were...
Twins Mario and Andrew Midhat Ramsis have forwarded a request to the Minister of the Interior Habīb al-‘ādlī asking to be registered as Christians again.
Ahmad ‘Abd al-Tawwāb comments on the new trend to attack works of art by Muslims and Christians.
The following lines review an interview with Egyptian novelist Edward Girgis. He speaks about Coptic expatriates, sectarianism, and social issues in Egypt.
Al-Wafd sheds light on the investigation conducted with Coptic thinker Jamāl As‘ad.
Egypt’s State film censors ban a film dealing with the niqāb because it ’defames Islam and state policy’.
The Administrative Court rejected the documents presented by a convert to prove his conversion to Christianity in official papers.
The article discusses freedom of opinion, and the restrictions upon this freedom. It highlights a new transmission draft law, designed to regulate censorship of satellite broadcasts.


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