Displaying 881 - 890 of 1492.
Christian converts to Islam who re-embraced Christianity and were given the right to change their religion on official papers back to Christianity are complaining on a daily basis that the Ministry of Interior does not approve the court ruling, allegedly because of the involvement of some...
This issue presents a number of articles on the freedom of expression and the freedom of creed, and also comments on a new film released in The Netherlands, which is trying to counter-act the harm caused by the controversial film ’Fitna.’
The public prosecutor has launched an appeal on behalf of Camilia Lutfī to change the 2008 court ruling that granted her husband custody of their children.
Dr. Denis MacEoin believes that the British government must stop extremist tendencies from developing in Muslim schools in the U.K
The Supreme Administrative court has decided to postpone the hearing in the case of Christian born individuals who converted to Islam and then reconverted to Christianity.
Pope Shenouda III of the Coptic Orthodox Church calls on the Egyptian first lady to intervene to end the problem of converts who want to re-embrace Christianity at governmental institutes.
Following the April 6 strikes the Cairo Center for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS) held a symposium on the strikes and the future of political development and reform in Egypt.
Members of Michael Munīr’s fan group on facebook call on U.S. Copts to work for giving Bahā’īs, Shī‘ah, and converts to Christianity more freedom of creed in Egypt.
Watani International tells the story of a custody battle between two divorced parents. The story was further complicated by the fact that the child’s father converted to Islam.
Marianne Mahrūs, an AWR intern responded to Mike Fowler’s comment on Zayn al-‘Abidīn al-Rikābī’s article ’Why did Western countries refuse to protect prophets from insults?’


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