Displaying 91 - 100 of 1480.
Bishop Aghāthūn, bishop of Maghāghah and al-‘Adwah of the Coptic Orthodox in the Minya governorate, demanded that the President of the Bar Association, Rajāʾī ‘Aṭiyya, publicly apologise for his article published on his personal Facebook page. Entitled “Between Jesus  (peace be upon him) and the...
The Egyptian authorities have provoked controversy over their arrest of three young girls who became famous for producing content on the video application TikTok. Over the last month, the Egyptian authorities have arrested four persons, three young women and one young man, by order of the public...
The young preacher, ‘Abdullāh Rushdī, did not expect that his muscles and his interest in his physical build would be a reason to put him under investigation by the Ministry of Endowments and Religious Affairs and his exclusion from public speaking, preaching and giving religious lessons in mosques...
The suicide of the activist Sarah Hegazy [Sārah Ḥijāzī] has caused controversy on social media in Egypt for the last two days. Some sympathise with her and pray for forgiveness for her, while others attack her and refuse to ask God to have mercy on her. Now Dar al-Iftāʾ joined the controversy and...
27 days have passed since the well-known leftist human rights activist ʿAlāʾ ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ began his hunger strike in Ṭurah prison, which is located in the south of Cairo.  al-Fattāḥ’s mother, the maths teacher at Cairo university and political activist, Laylā Suwayf, fights to bring medicine and...
The problem between Shaykh Abdullah Rushdy [ʿAbdullāh Rushdī] and Dr. Majdī Yaʿqūb presents itself as one of the most dangerous issues facing Islamic thought. It’s the issue of passing judgment on others; on [attempting to] determine whether they will go to heaven or to hell.
The American TIME magazine chose the writer Dr. Nawāl al-Sa’dāwī in its list of “100 women of the year.” The list of the most influential women over the last 100 years was compiled to coincide with International Women’s Day. The magazine explained that al-Sa’dāwī was chosen due to her militancy in...
The magazine Rūz al-Yūsif, in its Saturday edition, caused controversy after including a portrait of Bishop Raphael [Rāfāʾīl], who is bishop of the churches in central Cairo, next to Muḥammad Badī’, a leader in the Muslim Brotherhood, on their front cover. The Church was outraged by its publication...
“Imagine you enter a war and you capture some of the enemy’s soldiers. Those captured have now become your prisoners and one of them has a heart attack. Will you let the person die or take him to hospital? Law, religion, and humanity oblige you to take the suffering person to a hospital and safe...
Bishop Aghāthūn, bishop of Maghāgha and al-ʿIdwah for Orthodox Copts announced the launching of a campaign on Facebook to fight what he described as false church teachings, innovation, modern heresies, and widespread misconceptions in several places through different means and channels.  All of...


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