Displaying 931 - 940 of 1492.
The former chairman of Egypt’s Press Syndicate comments on Ibrāhīm ‘Isá’s presidential pardon, and uses it as a springboard to ask for the release of other detained journalists, as well as an overall increase in press freedoms.
The article discusses books which criticize both Islam and Christianity within the context of sectarian sedition in Egypt.
Faraj Ismā‘īl calls on the church in Egypt to play a role in limiting Christians’ violence against Muslims and comments that the number of conversions to Islam in Egypt is increasing.
Review of the Cairo press in which three controversies are discussed. First, a Fatwá banning serving food or drinks during the day during Ramadan. Second the story of Qistantīn, a priest’s wife who disappeared and supposedly converted to Islam, and now lives in seclusion in a monastery, amid rumors...
Ibrāhīm Īssah, the editor in chief of al-Dustūr newspaper has been sentencedto two months in prison for his articles about President Mubārak’s health.
The Bar Association’s Freedoms Committee has called for a conference to discuss press freedom.
A study is published reviewing the legal status in Egypt and noting the deterioration in freedom of speech and democratic initiatives.
The autobiography of a former Muslim Brotherhood member has been banned by the Islamic Research Academy. However critics expected that it would be heralded by scholars as a warning against fundamentalism.
The various members of Turkey’s political scene are still fiercely debating the issue of the ban on headscarves in public institutions. Recently the high court ruled that the constitutional amendment that was passed in February allowing women to wear the headscarves in universities is null. The...
The Shubra al-Khaima criminal court has sentenced Bahiya Nagy al-Sissi in absentia to three years in prison for forgery. Al-Sissi was born a Christian but, unbeknown to her, her father converted to Islam for a brief period when she was a child.


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