Displaying 1001 - 1010 of 1146.
The controversial Coptic activist ‘Adlī Abādīr organizes a conference advocating the rights of ethnic and religious minorities in the Middle East.
The article presents excerpts from controversial press statements made by both Muslims and Copts. While the Muslims refuse to be ruled by a Copt, an alleged spokesman of the Coptic Orthodox church claims that the Copts are the original natives of Egypt and decry Muslims as "occupiers."
In a series of articles entitled, ‘First Conference on the Unity of Religions,’ Dr. Tāhah Jābir al-‘Ilwānī recounts his experience at an interfaith summit conference held recently in an ancient Catholic monastery in New York with the aim of uniting the world’s religions into a global organization.
The Shaykh of the Azhar Muhammad Sayyid Ṭanṭāwī referred to the possibility of resuming the Azhar-Vatican dialogue that stopped after the Roman Catholic pope’s highly-publicized and controversial lecture on Islām.
The article briefly mentions opinions of Muslim and Christian thinkers on reforming the Islamic discourse to fit modernization.
The Swedish Institute in Alexandria hosts a delegation comprising 15 Muslim Swedish youth for ten days to receive training on how to be advocates of peace and dialogue.
A conference held by the Forum for Intercultural Dialogue discussed the importance of dialogue in establishing a coexisting culture and accepting the other.
This is an article about American thinker John Esposito, who aims to reach the truth behind Islām and the motives of the Islamic resurgence movements. He established the Center of Muslim-Christian Understanding at Georgetown University, Washington.
After four months of estrangement between the Azhar and the Vatican, the Vatican Ambassador in Cairo, Archbishop Michael Louis Fitzgerald visited Shaykh ‘Umar al-Dīb, chairman of the Permanent Committee for Inter-religious Dialogue, in his office at the Azhar headquarters.
Sanā’ al- Sa‘īd interviews Pope Shenouda to discuss the principles of dialogue among civilizations and religions.


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