Displaying 1031 - 1040 of 1146.
Dr Hulsman analyses the lecture of Pope Benedict, noting that the text showed that his lecture was unfortunate but the translation made it even worse. The report notes several translation mistakes from the original German text to English. The Arabic texts were then translations of the English....
Comment and analysis on Pope Benedict XVI using a quote of a Byzantine emperor in a lecture. The danger of stereotyping Arabs as terrorists.
The author reviews the recommendations of the 4th expatriate Copts conference held in the state of New Jersey, which included demands to amend the second article of the constitution asserting that Islam is the State’s official religion, and an official apology for the regime’s crimes against the...
The author discusses citizenship rights in Egypt exposing the opinions of various Egyptian prominent figures during a seminar held by the High Council for Culture.
Youssef Sidhom calls for greater communication to bridge the gap between Muslims and Christians in Egypt.
Usāma al-Ghazoulī writes about the press conference held by the former prime minister of The Netherlands, Prof. Andreas Van Agt, during his short visit to Egypt.
The statement made by the activists and members of Coptic associations which met in Montreal, Canada, April 7-9, 2006, to review and debate the situation of the Copts in Egypt and the future of Coptic activism.
Highlights of the meeting held at El-Sawy Culture Wheel on May 7, 2006, to launch the CAWU website, including a welcome address by Mr. Muhammad al-Sāwī, comments from former ministers Dr. Mamdouh al- Biltājī, Mr. Ahmed Māhir, Dr. Ahmad Juwaylī, head of the Protestant Community Council Dr. Safwat al...
The speech given by Lord Carey, former archbishop of Canterbury, at the opening of the second theological college in Alexandria.
Secretary General of the OIC calls for a reconciliation between the West and the Islamic world.


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