Displaying 191 - 200 of 1240.
Pope Tawāḍrūs II has recently been subjected to vicious attacks from some of his opponents within the Coptic Orthodox Church.
Facebook announced its partnership and cooperation with the National Council of Women (NCW) to protect women on Facebook by launching “Women’s Security Resources.”  This initiative includes showing pictures, GIFs, and videos to bring awareness to women and girls on Facebook about how to manage and...
In an unexpected move, the defense team for the suspects accused of harassing and assaulting “Bassant,” otherwise known as the “Mīt Ghamr girl,” has asked for “compromising” videos of her from her neighbors and other people in the city on the condition that they do not include any inappropriate or...
Shaykh Ramaḍān ʿAbd al-Muʿiz in al-Azhar garb sat among some men of the armed forces, telling them about the moderate nature of Islam and exonerating Ibn Taymiyya from the takfiris’ usage of his fatwas [fatwā].  The scene came in episode 20 of the television series “The Choice,” which tells the...
Lawyer Karīm ʿAbd al-Rāḍī said that the Supreme State Security Prosecution decided to detain Haytham Ḥassan, journalist for al-Masry ‎al-Youm [al-Miṣrī al-Yawm], for 15 days under pending investigation case number 586 of 2020.  This is the same case number for film producer Muʿataz ʿAbd al-Wahāb...
The Supreme Council for Media Regulation issued decision number 16 of 2020 over articles published by al-Masry ‎al-Youm [al-Miṣrī al-Yawm] under the pseudonym “Newton” about Sinai.  The Supreme Council decided to make the newspaper issue an apology to the public and make them remove violating...
The voice of Lebanese singer Fayrūz [Fairouz] has borne the capacity to respond to people’s pain in their wars and suffering.  However, in a video clip she posted to her YouTube channel on Friday, she chose to raise her voice in prayer by reading out loud from the Bible.   
Al-Azhar’s Observatory for Combating Extremism stated that extremist organizations are not hesitating to take advantage of global events and use them to serve their nefarious interests by broadcasting their propaganda on social media.  This is not new for Dāʿish [Islamic State]; it is always...
While inspecting equipment to be used in the fight against the Coronavirus, President ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī said “We must not pay attention to rumors,” warning that biased rumors are trying to hurt Egypt’s security and the peace of its people.” 
Newspaper writer Amīra Bahīy al-Dīn emphasized that rumors that the Muslim Brotherhood is spreading about Egypt come with instructions and orders from foreign apparatuses like Qatar and Turkey, explaining that the Muslim Brotherhood’s goal from telling rumors related to the Coronavirus is to create...


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