Displaying 1321 - 1330 of 1820.
The administration of the Egyptian prisons separated the imprisoned members of the Gama´at Al-Islamiya from the members of Jihad organization who refused the initiative of denouncing violence. This separation came at the same time as the Egyptian prisons administration allowed the leaders of...
During the period from 1991 until 2000, ten antique churches were discovered in Jordan. The most important church discovered is that of St. Gregorius. The church dates back to the beginnings of the sixth century A.D. - which means that it is among the oldest churches in the world.
Montasser Al-Zayyat believes that it is not right at all to say that Arabs and Muslims should target Americans because America is targeting their nations and children. He added that a new plan was to be adopted by the Gama´at Al-Islamiya. The plan insists that Islam is not just violence and counter...
The incidentals of September 11 showed that there is a lack of mutual trust between America and the Islamic world. The majority of the public opinion in the Islamic world believes that the US is targeting Muslims in its war against terrorism. The American interaction with the issues of the Arabs...
The author refers to news about the release of thee British prisoners who were sentenced to five years imprisonment each in the case of Hizb al-Tahrīr.
Renovations were made to the Finsbury Park Mosque to re-attract the Muslim community in England.
The Muslim Brotherhood members expand their presence in sports clubs and run for the elections in governorate clubs.
This press review tackles the Sunni-Shiite clashes in Iraq, the Egyptian initiative forwarded by top Sunni Muslim scholars in Egypt to bring an end to the violence, and the exchanged assaults on the shrines of both sides.
In response to the offensive cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad, first published by the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten in September 2005, moderate Egyptian preacher, ‘Amr Khālid has revealed an initiative to engage in dialogue with Danish youth and intellectuals in a bid to find common...
The author stresses the need to defend freedoms, particularly freedom of expression, but within a framework of respect for others’ faiths and beliefs.


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