Displaying 1091 - 1100 of 1279.
Muslim Brotherhood General Guide Dr. Muhammad Badī‘ has met with various Muslim brothers in different governorates to research the idea of legitimizing the outlawed organization. "Badī discussed how to impose the legitimacy of the Muslim Brotherhood on society, as well as on the regime," an unnamed...
Headline: Pope Shenouda Visits Catholic Church for Congratulations Source: al-Ahrām Page: 1 Author: Not mentioned Keywords: Pope Shenouda III, Coptic Catholic Church --------------------------------------- Headline: First Conference for Opposing Brotherhood Next Week: A Stream to Restrict General...
This article reviews the history of Coptic political participation in Egypt. After stating that the period of the Ottoman Caliphate was "among the worst historical periods for Egypt's Copts," Lam‘ī comments that subsequent Coptic political history can be divided into four epochs. These are the "...
Headline: Jum‘ah: We Did not Issue a Fatwá that Egyptian Divorce Is Invalid Because of Different Pronounciations Source: Rose al-Yūsuf Pages: 3 Author: Subhī Mujāhid Keywords: Fatwá, divorce ------------------------ Headline: The Assassination of al-Barād‘ī Source: Al-Yawm al-Sābi‘ Pages: 4 Author...
Headline: Al-Bashīr Promises an Islamic Constitution if South Secedes; Tells Critics of the Flogging of a Woman: “Refer to Islam” Source: Al-Misrī al-Yawm Pages: 3 Author: Khalīfah Jāb Allāh, Jum‘ah Hamd Allāh, wire services Keywords: Islam, Sharī‘ah ---------------------------------- Headline...
Islamic thinker Muhammad Salīm al-‘Awwā has criticized certain media’s treatment of the lives of the Sahābah, alleging that some in the press are directing wrongful accusations at them. He emphasized that defaming the companions of the Prophet Muhammad is not permissible and, furthermore, that it...
Pope Shenouda III returned to Cairo today after spending a week at the Bishop Bishūy Monastery in Wādī al-Natrūn for the Christmas fast. A source at the papal office said that the Pope plans to attend the opening of the new parliamentary session next Sunday, in which President Muhammad Hunsī...
Following his expulsion from the Muslim Brotherhood for failing to pull out of the parliamentary elections, Majdī ‘Āshūr said that he will never be a stumbling block to the group. ‘Āshūr explained that the people of his district would not let him pull out out of the elections after the many...
Headline: ‘Alī Jum‘ah: Banks Operate in Accordance with Sharī‘ah, Those who Seek to Make Banking Sinful Should Ban Money Source: Al-Dustūr Author: Wā’il Fāyiz Page: 1 Keywords: Sharī‘ah ------------------------ Headline: Vatican Pope: Christians are Suffering Most from Persecution, Violence...
A Coptic citizen has brought a case to the Court of Administrative Justice against Pope Shenouda III and Bishop Bula, who has been commissioned to head the Clerical Council on Personal Affairs, for granting his ex-wife permission to re-marry. The man argues that the conditions for a church divorce...


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