Displaying 61 - 70 of 1275.
Speaking at the Forum for "Promoting Peace in Muslim Societies" in Abu Dhabi, Grand Mufti Dr. Shawqī ʿAllām called for launching a special international "Charter of the New Alliance of Virtue", to defend all houses of worship.  Such a charter would take necessary measures and mechanisms to protect...
Cardinal Reinhard Marx, chairman of the German Bishops’ Conference, said that religious lessons in catholic schools should incorporate a greater focus on issues related to anti-Semitism in light of rising anti-Semitic attacks and hateful rhetoric.
The National Council for Women (NCW)’s branch in Minufiya concluded its ‘Your Vote for Tomorrow’s Egypt’ campaign which is aimed at urging women across Egypt to participate in the referendum on the constitutional amendments in order to build Egypt and push it forward.
The current protests in Algeria and Sudan prove a set of basic facts related to Arab politics.    First, the peoples deprived of freedom might desist from demanding it under the burden of the harsh living conditions or for fear of the repressive security apparatuses. However, they come back to...
The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) issued a decision forming an advisory council, which is to discuss the two laws on presidential elections and the lineup of the constituent assembly on the constitution.
Bayt al-A’ilah led the settlement of the Badrmān tensions by holding the first reconciliation session between Copts and Muslims in the village. The Church on the other hand has rejected the customary reconciliation sessions that prevent the application of the rule of law (Māhir ‘Abd al-Sabbūr, al-...
Coptic Catholic Churches are angry after the representatives of the churches have been informed that the term “civil governance” located in the Preamble of the Constitution has been amended to “civil government”. This was displayed in the dinner that was hosted by General Majd al-Dīn Barakāt, the...
A father accused his son, who is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, of conspiring with others in the organization to bomb the Father Church and the Physical Education Faculty for women in Alexandria (Nashwá Fārūq, al-Shurūq, Dec. 5, p. 3). Read original text in Arabic. 
The Islamic Research Academy, headed by the Azhar’s Grand Shaykh Dr. Ahmad al-Tayyīb, decided to postponed examining the “women document” until it is being finally reviewed. The document will be discussed the coming week (before January 27, 2013) during the meeting of the Azhar Senior Scholars that...
The National Salvation Front sent a representative to Upper Egypt villages to observe the referendum over the draft Constitution. Ahmad Māhir, the representative, along with a group of activists witnessed those blocking Copts from voting.


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