Displaying 1101 - 1110 of 1471.
Six Christians killed their sister’s Muslim husband, 22, after she converted to Islam in revenge. Investigations revealed that the accused took the deceased to a deserted house and stabbed him to death. They then threw his corpse into a canal. The prosecution accused the six Christian suspects of...
The author says that the Azhar remained silent and neither denied nor confirmed whether Camellia converted to Islam or not and neither did the church. Bahiyy al-Dīn Husīn, general manager of the Cairo Center for Human Rights Studies, argues that there exist a secret agreement between the religious...
 Dr. 'Abd al-'Azīz Ibn Ahmad al-Hamīdī, a professor in the doctrine department in the Ministry of Om Al-Kora, tries to legalize the Islamic extravagant thought.  
Abū al-'Azāyīm, Shaykh of 'Azmīyah creed, answers the Wahabīs and Islamic groups violently concerning some religious issues.
The author argues that unity in Islam calls for accepting the apology of those who are mistaken. He said that it is not appropriate for Shaykh Hasān, a salafī shaykh, to overreact to what Yaḥyā al-Jamāl, Prime Minister, said, particularly when al-Jamāl said he was misinterpreted. He added that...
Grand Shaykh of the Azhar Ahmad al-Tayīb said that the increase of extremist movements was due to the absence of moderate ideologies present. Tayīb warned that there will be bloodshed if extremist ideologies and ways of thinking were not confronted. Read the original article in Arabic  
The issue of establishing Hadds is a matter of thoughts and concern; applying hadds shows that Islam is a bloody religion, while Salafists assert that applying hadds is only to protect the community. “Looking in hadd without understanding will make you feel harshness and cruelty in its...
Letters of assurance were sent to the headquarters of Pope Shenouda following incidents of sectarian polarization which Egypt witnessed during the week of referendum on constitutional amendments.
 The author differentiates between interpretation and inspiration in Islam.  
 A conference for "Al-'Azmia" methods condemns insulting the prophets.    


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