Displaying 1251 - 1260 of 1334.
Many western commentators in the past have tarnished the image of Islam, portraying it as a religion that propagates violence. However there were some ‘orientalists’ - such as the French historian, Gustave Le Bon and the French philosopher, René Guénon – who described Islam fairly.
Munich, the main center of the Muslim Brotherhood’s international group has become the haven of the whole Brotherhood. Munich has financial, commercial and economic ties to many Arab countries that contain Muslim Brotherhood groups.
In March 1996, the courts rejected a case filed against the appointment of Muhammad Sayyid Tantāwī as Grand Imām and President of the Islamic Research Academy . This raised the question: what do people want from the Grand Imām and why are there such struggles over this role?
The book Al-Islām wa Usoul al-Hukm [Islam and the fundamentals of rule] by ‘Alī ‘Abd al-Rāziq, which was published in 1925, offers a comprehensive analysis arguing that Prophet Muhammad was not a king, and that Islam does not have a system of governance under the banner of belief.
The grand imām of the Azhar, Shaykh Muhammad Sayyid Tantawī has stated that Islam is against terrorism, aggression, tyranny, destruction and the killing of innocents whether they are Muslims or of other religions.
Muslims are no doubt responsible for their religion being abused. They helped through their actions, which are not related to Islamic teachings, in accusing their religion of terrorism and blood thirst.
US biologist Dean H. Hamer tries in his book The God Gene to focus on the issue of how faith is linked to our genes as he alleges that there are some genes responsible for man’s interest in spiritual aspects.
The Sheikh of the Azhar believes that the best, Islamic way to deal with banks is deputyship, i.e. to authorize the bank to invest one´s money, especially if he has no time or experience in trade and investment.
The book of "The hejab between the confusion of women and the controversy of scholars" is the first book written by a woman on the issue of the hejab in Islam. The author shed light on the hejab throughout history to let her readers conclude whether it is really an Islamic requirement or not.
Many Muslim scholars explained that, according to the Shari´a, it is not right to use mosques for demonstrations. Mosques are places for worship and preaching, holy places that should not be a place for shouting and gathering. Expressing anger and dissatisfaction could be done through collecting...


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