Displaying 941 - 950 of 1474.
Mu’āz Muhammad breathed his last breath affected by his wounds after a dispute broke out between a Coptic ironing man and a Muslim client in which Mu’āz was hit by a Molotov Cocktail passing by the area coincidently. [Ahmad ‘Abdullah and Muhammad al-Bahrāwī, al-Misrī al-Yawm, August 1, p. 3] Read...
I participated this week in a meeting to which I was invited by friend novelist Dr. 'Azzah Kāmil, Director of Appropriate Communication Techniques for Development Organization [ACT]. The meeting’s title was “Towards Effective Strategies for Combating Violence and Trafficking of Women and Girls”. Dr...
I think we all agree that the Salafist groups have been the main supportive of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Freedom and Justice Party since February 12, 2011 till present. This was clearly evident during the referendum on constitutional amendments, in the elections of the People’s Assembly and...
The Muslim Brotherhood is a difficult subject to tackle. Some of this is the fault of others – there appears to be significant bias against them in many quarters. Some of this is their own fault – they are a closed organization accountable to no government oversight.  
Days after a law banning trial of civilians before military courts was passed, Egypt's Justice Minister ‘Ādil ‘Abd al-Hamīd on Wednesday (June 13) gave the country's military police and intelligence agents the right to arrest civilians over wide range of suspected crimes. [Samar al-Jamal, ‘Alyā’...
The fatwá is commonly known in the West as a death sentence. Among Muslims, the fatwá can be among the most powerful tools of Islamic populism. On a third front, the fatwá is simply a bureaucratic function. Which definition encompasses reality?  
On June 14th Al-Misrī Al-Yawm reported that on June 13th tensions between Christians and Muslims flared-up in al-Sawāqī, a district in the Upper Egyptian town of Luxor, after one Muslim man allegedly verbally harassed a Christian woman. A group of Christian men reportedly retaliated by beating the...
  The Islamic Jihād leader Yāsir Sa'd announced that a number of Islamic Jīhad members support presidential hopeful Ahmad Shafīq, former Prime Minister, in the coming presidential elections. He said that voters have a choice between a civil state represented by Shafīq and a religious state...
Shaykh Yāsir Burhāmī, the deputy leader of the al-Da’wah al-Salafīyah group, said the appointment of a Copt as vice president runs counter to the sharī’ah because a vice president could represent the head of state in many of his powers, adding the president’s faith must be compatible with the state...
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, said that the people of Iran and Egypt should have a leading role to the people of the world, and should unite to achieve justice and reinforce religious values. MEHR News, Iranian news agency, said that Ahmadinejad's statement came...


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