Displaying 41 - 50 of 76.
An official legal memo released by the Egyptian Ministry of Interior revealed that it is impossible to release Abud Al-Zomor, leader of the Egyptian Jihad group, and his nephew Tareq Al-Zomor, who have been jailed since 1982 in the case of Egyptian President Anwar Al-Sadat’s assassination.
An Egyptian court issued a sudden ruling yesterday to drop the name of Usama Roshdy, an eminent Egyptian fundamentalist living abroad, from the authorities’ wanted list. The court also obliged the Egyptian government to compensate him for the suffering he has faced because of being described as a “...
An American judge allowed yesterday a fatwa of “the international front against Jews and the Crusades” announced by Ben Laden in 1998 to be included among the evidence directed against civil rights lawyer Lyn Stewart [Lawyer of Omar Abdel Rahman] and Ahmed Abdel Sattar, the legal deputy of the...
In total secrecy, the Ministry of Interior released 100 prisoners and detainees from the Gama’a Islamiya, who have completed their prison sentences and detention periods. The Ministry made the released members sign a written promise that they will rejoin the trend within the group that believes in...
An Egyptian newspaper published yesterday that authorities had released 700 members of The Gama’a Al-Islamiya that was charged with carrying out terrorist attacks in the nineties before its recent initiative to reject violence. - See art. 11: Sayyed Al-Qimni criticizes pro-terrorism fatwas given...
Egypt’s Interior Minister Habīb al-‘Ādlī made the first official announcement that Iran handed over the fugitive Mustafa Hamza to Egypt, on the sidelines of the Arab interior ministers meeting recently held in Tunisia.
The leaders of the Egyptian Gama’at Al-Islamiya, who are living outside Egypt, are making great efforts to verify the location of Refa’i Ahmed Taha after the breaking of news about him being arrested in Syria and recently being handed over to the Egyptian authorities.
Associated sources in London declared that the Israeli intelligence service Mossad passed around the news about Damascus handing over Refa’i Ahmed Taha, the military leader of the Gama’at Al-Islamiya, to Cairo. The leader of the Ansar Al-Shari’a organization in London said that the negotiations...
The Egyptian Supreme Military Court will start the trial of 94 fundamentalists charged with joining a secret organization which aims to overthrow the established regime. They possessed weapons and explosives claiming to support the Palestinian intifada and the Mujahideen in Chechnya.
The national security department arrested a new group among extreme Islamic organizations containing 85 extremist members, five of them of different nationalities. Their plan was to reactivate the group and to collect donations from citizens.


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