Date of source: Friday, October 15, 2004
Ramadan [holiest month of Muslim calendar, when fasting is observed] is like a high season for sheikhs when they are to be found everywhere you look.
Date of source: Tuesday, November 9, 2004
Paris rejected a Jewish call from a US-based Jewish group for legal action against a leading Islamic organization in France, accused of anti-Semitism and alleged to have contacts with the Islamic resistance movement, Hamas.
Date of source: Saturday, November 6, 2004
In less than two months I have heard the talk about the jizya [tax on non-Muslims under a Muslim government] taking place twice from our honorable scholars.
I tried as much as I could to avoid involvement in this thorny issue but finally I realized that the return of this sectarian undertone to...
Date of source: Friday, November 5, 2004
Jurisprudential controversy over bank interest is back again with a fatwa of the Grand Imam of the Azhar saying interests are halal [lawful according to the Islamic shari’a] whether they are fixed in advance or not. However, bank interest is still a hot issue for many religious scholars.
Date of source: Tuesday, November 9, 2004
A group of Arab intellectuals intend to bring suit against Muslim sheikhs notorious for their instigating of violence fatwas with the accusation of encouraging terrorism. 3000 Arab and Muslim intellectuals from Iraq, Jordan, Libya, Syria, Tunisia and the Gulf signed a memorandum for this purpose....
Date of source: Saturday, October 30, 2004
Some Christian fatwas are the same as those issued by extremist Muslims. In fact, such fatwas cause sectarian strife among Christian denominations themselves. Eleven priests attacked the Egyptian movie Baheb El-Sima [I love Cinema] and accused it of insulting Christianity. This, in turn, led some...
Date of source: Saturday, October 30, 2004
Few years ago, many extremist Israeli rabbis issued a fatwa to kill their Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. They claimed that Rabin killed their religious dream with his attempts to make peace with the Palestinians. Today, other extremist rabbis are threatening to kill Ariel Sharon if he should order...
Date of source: Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Today, many unqualified sheikhs are issuing fatwas [Muslim religious opinions or decrees given by a Mufti or another Muslim scholar. Based on Islamic Law and logical measurement] for purely personal purposes. They sometimes even issue contradictory fatwas that really reflect their deep ignorance.
Date of source: Saturday, October 23, 2004
The European authorities fear that imams of Arab origin can poison the European communities with their ideas and encourage terror. Accordingly many European countries were encouraged to establish institutes to graduate a European generation of imams.
Date of source: Saturday, October 23, 2004
The fatwa of Sheikh Muhammad Kamal Mustafa, Imam of the mosque of the Spanish town of Fuengirola and mufti of the Islamic community in Spain, allowing husbands to beat their wives triggered a wave of rage and rejection from women’s rights organizations that interpreted the fatwa as a call for...