Displaying 181 - 190 of 419.
Preaching on public transport has become a phenomenon in the past few years. “It is very common in microbuses to find people giving cassette tapes with religious content to the driver to play throughout the journey.” Walīd Ahmad, a university student, says.
Despite being accepted in the Islamic sharī‘a, the misyār marriage, in which the husband and wife do not live together, has always been a subject of heated controversy among Muslim scholars.
Several Muslim scholars agree on that Muslim women are not allowed to marry non-Muslim men, despite Sudanese leader Hasan al-Turābī’s controversial statements allowing Muslim women to marry Jewish or Christian men.
The author focuses on the problem of fatwas in Islamic countries nowadays and Muslims’ concerns about the future of Islamic jurisprudence.
Azhar scientists support Egypt’s muftī, Dr. ‘Alī Jum‘a in the face of criticism from some intellectuals concerning his fatwa banning full-figure statues.
Dr. al-Mat‘anī, a scholar of the Azhar, the top Sunni organization in the Muslim world, has criticized Dā‘īya cAmr Khālid who went to Denmark for dialogue with Danish figures to explain the genuine traditions of Islam, terming the initiative "hasty and random."
A lawyer raised a case to prevent the film "To make God love you" from being shown because the word "God" in the title was associated with a picture of a young man and two girls in an improper position. He tried to obtain a fatwa to support his legal case, by sending a complaint with the case...
The fatwa concerning the legal position of Muslim-American military men with regard to participating in the American attacks on Afghanistan was issued before the start of the attacks. However, because it reached American-Muslim military men after the war had started it was wrongly understood to...
[The RNSAW received this text from Dr. Abu Zayd for placement in the RNSAW. The text was first presented during a conference in June in Berlin, Germany] Since the occupation of Egypt by Bonaparte in 1798 Muslims have had to address the issue of secularization. Some Muslim thinkers believe Islam...
Rev. Ikram Lama’i believes that the dilemma the USA is going through has four angles: historical, linguistic, civilizational and theological. He expressed the opinion that for America to get itself out of all these dilemmas, it should reconsider its actions and go back to the real principles of the...


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