Date of source: Sunday, June 4, 2000
In this article, Mustafa Mahmoud speaks about the true meaning of Shari’a [Islamic law], to whom it has been given and on whose shoulders rests the responsibility of applying it. He comments on the attitude of those who exploit Shari’a in their demonstration saying what Khalid Mohammed Khalid said...
Date of source: Saturday, May 6, 2000 to Friday, May 12, 2000
Rose el-Youssef wants a debate with Abdel Kafi and El-Ada’iya and claims they cannot support their arguments with documentary evidence. Rose el-Youssef also claims their campaign has strong support from religious people, newspapers and public opinion. They also claim that their aim "is to protect...
Date of source: Saturday, April 22, 2000 to Friday, April 28, 2000
Calling for Islam is a double-sided weapon if those who are responsible for it do not have enough knowledge to be qualified. Ijtihad is very difficult but nowadays, Islamic preachers are used to penetrating all matters of fiqh and any other matter by advice and giving fatwas. There are conditions...
Date of source: Saturday, April 22, 2000 to Friday, April 28, 2000
The awful show of the sheikhs on tapes is still going on. Sheikh Kishk started this in the seventies. They recite only the texts of the Qur’an which speak of sins, and torment in hell. Those who take on the characteristics of preachers without deserving it talk on everything - without adequate...
Date of source: Tuesday, March 28, 2000
Sub-titles: Dr. Abdel-Sabour Shahin: An international Islamic conference is needed to study how to choose the Sheikh Al-Azhar. Dr. Abdel-Azim Al-Matani: We must return to the old system: The Sheikh of the Azhar should be selected from the group of the Grand Ulama. Dr. Mohammed Ra’fat Othman: There...
Date of source: Monday, January 24, 2000
In the weekly seminar for Al-Nidaa’ Al-Gadid [The New Call] organization, the attendees attacked the scholars of Al-Azhar, saying that they adopt a kind of Fiqh [Islamic jurisprudence] called "Fiqh Al-Nakad" [Fiqh of annoyance]. The attendees said that they [the Azhar scholars] aim by it to defend...
Date of source: Sunday, January 2, 2000
From the very beginning, Egypt was never far from Islam. It was not a surprise to Egypt when Muslim armies were marching into it. There was not a single Muslim, during and after the Prophet’s life, who was not certain that Egypt would be opened up by Muslims...
Date of source: Wednesday, December 29, 1999
The punishment for Ridda [apostasy] from Islam was not stated clearly in the Holy Qur’an like the punishment for stealing. However, it was mentioned in two not-agreed-by-all Hadiths. The scholars did not consider such Hadiths while giving opinions, to the extent that Dr. Mahmoud Shaltout, the late...
Date of source: Tuesday, December 21, 1999
Under the title "Why did the Grand Sheikh of Al-Azhar retreat from participation in building the church at Beheira?", a weekly newspaper published an article about Dr. Sayyed Tantawi, the Grand Sheikh of Al-Azhar, not participating in the founding ceremony of the Bishop Tadros Church in Hosh Eisa...
Date of source: Saturday, December 25, 1999
The birds of darkness have returned to flap their wings once again, in an attempt to stop the wheel of progress in this country [of Egypt]; the occasion is the draft of the new Personal Status Law, that tries to lift some burdens off the Egyptian woman. Last week was the rage week of extremists,...