Displaying 261 - 270 of 731.
A report by the Netherlands Ministry of the Interior and Ministry of Justice discusses the main reasons behind the perpetual terrorist threats.
The author argues that terrorism is a complicated phenomena which is difficult to eradicate since its motives and causes still exist.
An interview with Mustafa al- Zayyāt, member of al-Jam‘āt al- Islāmīya and the main attorney defending those accused of Islamic fundamentalism, concerning Ayman al-Zawāhirī whom he knew very well from the days they spent together in al-Qal‘a Prison.
Islamic movements, along with the climate of political and social tension, create extremism, violence and supporters of the Salafiya Jihadīya trends such as the Mansura, Tawhīd and Jihad groups.
The article carry some of the confessions given by suspects in last year’s bombings in different areas of downtown Cairo, which killed a number of tourists and Egyptians and wounded dozens others.
The article is on the arrest of 22 terrorists and the killing of seven during clashes between policemen and members of a group, al-Tawhīd wa al- Jihād, suspected of masterminding the Dahab and al-Joura bombings that claimed the lives of a few tourists and many Egyptians in Sinai.
The author wonders in this article whether increasing the number of dā‘iyas are enough to convince the West of the soundness of the Muslim faith.
The author criticizes curricula in Egyptian schools, underlining that they teach students how to hate the West, instead of teaching them how to benefit from Western societies’ progress.
The article investigates the connections and ties between young Muslim dā‘īya ‘Amr Khālid and a Jewish American journalist called Samantha M. Shapiro, who is known for her pro-Israel stance and fanaticism against the Palestinians, according to the author.
The author investigates in this series of articles the early beginnings of the Salafist ideology that depends on jihād as its principal activity and discusses the reverberations of this movement in several countries.


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