Displaying 271 - 280 of 731.
The article deals with the killing of a terrorist who masterminded the Dahab chain of bombings that claimed the lives of scores of Egyptians and foreigners and wounded others and the arrest of his aide.
The article focuses on young Egyptian Muslim televangelist ‘Amr Khālid, the position he enjoys among young Egyptians, particularly women, and his new ways of leading a decent life and career while avoiding getting entangled in sin, a style which appeals to his large Muslim audience.
An introduction to the column reads that Sawt al- Azhar, within the framework of resuming the efforts of Dr. Muhammad ‘Umāra in reply to the lies propagated by Archpriest Zakārīya Butrus, is publishing a book entitled Ajwiba ‘An al-Īmān [Answers about Faith] by author Mustafa Thābit in episodes...
Egyptian intellectuals express their views on the reason behind the Alexandria incident in particular and sectarian tension in Egypt in general.
Egyptian police have managed to identify the bombers who carried out the April 24 blasts of the tourist resort of Dahab, as three North Sinai Bedouin, Mu’min Fārouq Muhammad ‘Alī, Karīm Ashraf ‘Abdallāh and Mājid ‘Alī Mahmoud. Two days after the triple blasts, two suicide bombers attacked...
Former member of the Jihād Group and the current spokesman for Egyptian Shi’ites, Sālih al-Wardānī, denies persecution of Shi’ ites in Egypt and declares his intention to establish a Shi’ite political party.
The article asserts that the Egyptian government is releasing members of al- Jamā‘a al-Islāmīya in batches after they vowed to renounce violence and reintegrate into society.
The EU is getting ready to launch a dictionary to accurately define Muslim cultural terminology, such as the words jihād, "fundamentalist" and "Islamist" in a bid to assert that there is no religion that compels its followers to commit crimes in its name.
Despite having been banned by the Azhar’s Islamic Research Academy, Natana J. Delong-Bas’s ‘Wahhabi Islam: From Revival and Reform to Global Jihad’ has received massive support from the Saudi government. Hanān Sulaymān provides a book review.
A reported assault on the imām of the Umm al-Qura Mosque in al-‘Arīsh, Shaykh Muhammad ‘Abd al- Hamīd, by Major Muhammad Ridā of the State Security Intelligence (SSI), has provoked outrage among Sinai mosque imāms.


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