Displaying 781 - 790 of 820.
Muntaṣir al-Zayyāt, the author, talks about reasons and targets of violence-based Islamic movements in the Islamic world.
The article is about religious Fatāwá [religious rulings] and the need for scientific integrity in mentioning evidences that supports or contradicts Fatāwá given by Muslim clerics.
The overview covers different articles that deal with the role religion plays in the life of President Bush and how it impacts his foreign policy and whether the US war on Iraq is a crusade. It also refers to the theory of clashes between civilizations.
Asharq al-Awsat reports that the statements of Hirsi Ali against Islām were seen by members of Muslim communities as a trick, deployed in order to gain asylum. Dutch journalist Eildert Mulder, who interviewed Ali, does not believe that this allegation is true
Jihād’s leadership is reconsidering, with some reservation, their ideology of violence. Changes are being discussed among the group members. A final first draft will soon be issued.
A new Islamic satellite channel launched five months ago is said to be successful with the people, but is also criticized by scholars for promoting extremist salafist ideas.
Hamāda Hussayn writes about the latest song by the American pop idol Madonna which implies contempt for the three divine religions and particularly towards the Catholic pope.
Wā’il Lutfī writes about reconciliation between ‘Amr Khālid and the Brotherhood’s advocate Wajdī Ghunīm, after the latter publicly criticized Khālid and described him as misguided.
The author discusses the thriving market of audiotapes containing preaching by salafist shaykhs attacking Shī‘ah and warning Sunnī Muslims against supporting them on the grounds that they are "apostates who allege that the revelation was meant for ‘Alī Ibn Abī Tālib but for Archangel Gabriel’...
The author analyses recent conflicts between the West and Islamic regimes, including the recent conflict between Israel and the Hizb Allāh and asserts that ultimately the war is one of many battles to be fought between those who wish to join the modern world and those who think they have an...


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