Displaying 2721 - 2730 of 10154.
Abu Maqar monastery issued a book titled ?The Divine Wisdom Behind the Structure of the Church.? The book tackles the role the church can play in the political sphere. According to the book, clergymen are not allowed to play a political role. Laymen can play a more effective role than clergymen...
Muslim Brother leader Mustafa Mashhour criticized group?s member Mokhtar Nuh for his initiative to encourage a dialogue between the government and the Muslim Brotherhood. The author believes that such criticism may make Nuh join the club of expelled Brotherhood members.
The prosecution department of Minya investigated the priest of the Holy Virgin church in Beni Walmis. The priest said that he could not identify the persons who attacked the church because he is a new comer to the village. He denied that one of the Christians shot bullets as a celebration of the...
In an attempt to control the money of the Bar Association, members of the association, who belongs to the Brotherhood, appointed a new treasurer against the will of the association?s president ? which led to many problems in the association.
In the night of the Greater Bairam, a reconciliation meeting was held among the residents of Beni Walmis village, which witnessed the recent riot events between Muslims and Christians. Residents of the village said that the aim of the meeting was to condemn the riots and to prove that Muslims...
Parents of students in Islamic schools related to the Muslim Brotherhood and directed by its members objected to the fact the public education administration hired many teachers who do not sympathize with the Muslim Brotherhood.
The Muftī of Egypt issued a Fatwá to the effect that the contest of miss Egypt violates the religious values and the Eastern traditions. Basing on this Fatwá, the Prime Minister was warned against holding such a contest.
The author criticizes the opinion of the Creed and Philosophy Committee that the apostate is to be given a lifetime chance to renounce his apostate ideas. He lists Qur’ān verses stating that apostates should be killed. He believes it is dangerous to alleviate non-negotiable rules and change the...
Both Copts and Muslims are spectators in a real-life political show, in which the ruling party wins all the elections, be they parliamentarian, presidential, or union.
A study written by a Swedish scholar of theology contains a wonderful analysis of al-Maskīn’s writing, and a historical overview of Coptic theological development.


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