Displaying 6621 - 6630 of 10154.
President of Assiut University, Dr. Muhammad Ibrāhīm ‘Abd al-Qādir, has said he will not allow religious or political groups to practice political activities on campus.
The author of the article compares a book by Muhyī al-Dīn al-Tu‘aymī, warning Muslim women against wearing trousers this book, to a book written in the forties, defending freedom of thought.
Dr. ‘Abd Allāh Shalabī, a young writer, wrote a book explaining how terrorism is a defense mechanism among the socially oppressed. He also explains the reason why terrorism is always linked to the Islamists.
In an interview with al-Musawwar, the Commissioner for Dialogue with the Islamic World and Intercultural Dialogue at the German Foreign Ministry responds to many questions pertaining to issues of globalization and Arab-West dialogue.
Interview with Islamic scholar, Dr. Zakī Badawī, a well-known voice for Islamic moderation and tolerance.
A recent study at the Azhar revealed that there are over 10,000 anti-Islam websites.
In memory of Prof. Otto Meinardus.
In memory of Prof. Meinardus by Dr. Mary Massoud, Professor at Ain Shams University, Cairo.
A poem in memory of Prof. Otto Meinardus by Dr. George H. Bibawi, Director of the Orthodox Christian Institute, University of Cambridge, UK.
Memories on Dr. Meinardus and his work at the Maadi Community Church.


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