Displaying 6861 - 6870 of 10154.
Monk Basilious, one of Father Matta Al-Maskeen’s close disciples, was stunned by the clergy’s “storm in a teacup” debate about the movie “Baheb Al-Sima” [I love Cinema’, considering it one of the most remarkably strange preoccupations in Coptic minds. He wonders who encouraged Coptic youth to...
The young people who took part in the demonstrations against the movie “Baheb Al-Sima” [I love Cinema] in front of the cathedral are not desperate youth. They are all occupying honorable posts working for the improvement of the country. More importantly, they are not driven by anyone. The churches...
Last Friday morning an agreement was signed by the Grand Imam of the Azhar, Dr. Muhammad Sayyed Tantawi and Pope Shenouda III. Dr. Al-Sammaan, the deputy head of the Azhar Permanent Committee for Inter-religious Dialogue, stated it is for the good of Islam that the Azhar Committee maintains good...
The Ibn Khaldoun Center for Development Studies and its chairman Dr. Saad Eddin demands the immediate participation of Islamic groups in the process of democratization. Accepting Islamic groups’ involvement in democratic activity without their commitment to democratic rights, such as the right of...
American sources revealed that the Commission on Religious Freedom visiting Egypt currently, received a complaint from an Egyptian group calling itself “Egyptian Qur’aniyeen." This group demands that the Prophetic Hadiths be abolished and no longer taught in schools. A member of the committee, who...
Some have been lately hurling accusations against the Orthodox Church following the impact of Max Michel, an Egyptian Christian who built a church built in al-Moqattam area outside the authority of Pope Shenouda III, the Patriarch of the See of Saint Mark..
A number of Egyptians residing in the US have set up a church independent from the Coptic Orthodox Church, and set up a headquarters in Egypt under the name St. Athanasius Church. Dr. Max Michel was ordained as its bishop carrying the name Maximus Hannā.
It was really strange that Prophet Abraham has been circumcised at the age of 80 when he came to Egypt, and more strange is that Copts of Egypt are circumcised while Christians in Europe are not.
The Plymouth Brethren emerged in 1860 in Egypt and started permeating Upper Egypt, particularly in Asyout and al-Minyā, where its Coptic members coexist with their Muslim neighbours; Welcoming Brethren came to Egypt in 1915. Egyptian churches of both denominations reach 165 churches; 115 in Upper...
After Ms. Carmen Weinstein was appointed as president of the Jewish Community Council in Egypt, Jewish groups around the world think it is time to request control of their properties. Even though Ms. Weinstein refuses to cooperate with foreign groups, she had requested control of the properties.


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