Date of source: Thursday, February 3, 2005
Early last January, al-Hayāt published extracts from Muntasir al-Zayyāt’s book Al-Jamā‘āt al-Islāmīya: Ru’ya min al-Dākhil [Al-Jamācāt al-Islāmīya: A vision from inside]. In fact, a better title would be Al-Jamā‘āt al-Islāmīya: A personal vision. While reading the book, one can feel that personal...
Date of source: Friday, February 4, 2005
Christopher Columbus, discoverer of America, was nothing but an advocate for a holy war against Islam. He went to the New World (America) in search of gold and then gave it to Pope Alexander VI to prepare a 55,000 strong militant army to attack the Muslims in Palestine.
Date of source: Tuesday, January 18, 2005
Al-Musawwar magazine is publishing excerpts from Fathī Ghānim’s novel Bint min Shubrā [a girl from Shubrā], whose adaptation as a TV series drew recent controversy, prompting the Minister of Information to refer the TV drama to the Azhar and St. Mark Cathedral for religious evaluations.
Date of source: Sunday, February 6, 2005
The concept of citizenship rights forms the basis of the relationship between the citizen and the State. In this context, it is hoped that the ‘religion’ box [which identifies the holder’s religion, on his or her identification documents] would be abolished from official papers.” The words belong...
Date of source: Wednesday, February 2, 2005
Bishop Bafnoutīous of Samāllout sent a letter to al-Usbou‘ denying a report published by the newspaper on the incidents at Samāllout.
Date of source: Wednesday, February 2, 2005
Attorney General Judge Māhir ‘Abd al-Wāhid ordered the referral of 24 suspects to the Mīnyā criminal court. They are charged with vandalism, assault and inciting sectarian violence at the village of al-Minqatayn in Samāllout.
Date of source: Friday, February 4, 2005
Islamic sharī’a [law] has always been closely related to ijtihād [independent judgment in legal or theological questions based on the interpretation and application of the four fundamentals of religion] in all Muslim societies. The moment ijtihād started to lose its flexibility, due to the scholars...
Date of source: Thursday, February 3, 2005
The Director of the Islamic Culture Department at the Faculty of Dacwa, al-Azhar University, Dr. Zakī Muhammad cUthmān believes technological development is a blessing that we should make the best use of to firmly establish the right values and culture.
Date of source: Friday, February 4, 2005
Al-Jamā‘a al-Islāmīya’s rejection of violence and terrorism has been the main topic of discussion at the Cairo International Book Fair. Editor-in-chef of al-Musawwar, Makram Muhammad Ahmad, followed up on the debates later recorded and published by al-Jamā‘a al-Islāmīya in four books.
Date of source: Monday, February 7, 2005
In the aftermath of the issue of Wafā’ Costantine, many Copts called for the removal of the cell for religion on identification cards.