Displaying 9721 - 9730 of 10154.
The fate of the new Personal Status Law depended over the last few days on the juridical approval of Sheikh Al-Azhar, Dr. Mohammed Sayed Tantawi. The law was amended in a series of meetings of the Jurisprudence Research Committee affiliated to Mogamma` Al-Buhouth Al-Islameyya (Islamic Research...
Following the Rodinson case, the office of the censor vastly increased its review of AUC books, both in the library and in the bookstore. With some 300 books checked this year alone, AUC press head, Marc Linz, says it hasn’t been easy.
The December 17 summons of Professor Samia Mehrez by the American University in Cairo (AUC) administration to explain her choice of a book containing "obscene" passages has mushroomed into something far bigger than anyone originally involved expected. This issue follows the controversy over Maxine...
Egypt is holding three suspected Muslim militants who were arrested in the United Arab Emirates and handed over to Cairo in February, a London-based Islamic organization said on February 24.
The article gives a brief overview of the history of Muslim-Western relations. He makes suggestions for an approach and understanding between the two cultures.
The first Islamic-Christian Egyptian German joint dialogue in cooperation with the Symposium of Civilizations under the auspices of the Coptic Evangelical Authority for Social Services and the Evangelical Church in Germany took place in Luxor.
The Minister for Education, Dr. Hussein Kamal Baha Al-Din, has issued a Ministerial decree number 29 dated January 1, 1999, to add Dr. Milad Hanna to the committee for the revision of the History curriculum at all educational levels in particular with the aim of pointing out the importance of the...
Traditionally Upper Egypt is well-known for family frictions and feuds with bloody confrontations. Blind loyalty to family groups is rampant in the Upper Egypt.
Ahmed Omar Hashim accused an Egyptian TV serial of doing harm to Muslim scholars.
Every actress or belly-dancer has the right to retire and put on a veil. She has the right to choose her own way. But, she does not have the right to play with our religious feelings.


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