Displaying 3501 - 3510 of 10154.
The author criticizes the Muslim Brotherhood’s slogan "Islam is the Solution" and describes it as being deceptive. He believes it does not reflect the ideology of the group and calls for a new form of Islamic discourse.
The author argues that terrorism makes use of existing weaknesses in the current regime which have produced an atmosphere of rebellion. Carrying out radical and serious reforms to the structures of the political regime that reach out to the grass-root level is a fatal strike against terrorism.
The article carry some of the confessions given by suspects in last year’s bombings in different areas of downtown Cairo, which killed a number of tourists and Egyptians and wounded dozens others.
The author argues that the Muslim Brotherhood supreme guide’s disrespect for national affiliation is shared by all Muslim fundamentalists who believe that their nationality is Islam.
Nine members of the Muslim Brotherhood’s political office were imprisoned for 15 days pending investigations on charges of joining an illegal group, which aims to hamper the implementation of the constitution and the law and possessing leaflets, which call for hatred for the regime and which...
The author opposes the growing presence of the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood in seminars and conferences as he believes they are exploiting such gatherings for their own interests.
The author argues that the Muslim Brotherhood is not in any way a public organization. None of the criteria of public organizations, as stipulated in the Egyptian constitution and law, applies to the Muslim Brotherhood.
The article reports on disputes among the Muslim Brotherhood over its stance towards the judges’ crisis and the idea of establishing a political party.
‘Izz al-Dīn Najīb responds to a column by Safa Nāz Kāzim in which she attacked him for being against the visit of the mufti to the Faculty of Fine Arts. Secondly, he argues against the religious prohibition on the picturing of humans.
The author responds to allegations that the Azhar promotes sectarian conflict and tension and even spreads “bomb- fatwas”.


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