Displaying 3921 - 3930 of 10154.
Coptic clerics and thinkers emphasize that religious satellite channels should avoid offending other beliefs.
Watani reports on the church stabbings in Alexandria by an allegedly mentally unstable individual.
The muftī has belittled sectarian incidents’ ability to undermine the national unity of the Egyptian people or the Egyptian model of peaceful coexistence between the nation’s Muslims and Christians.
The author calls for an end to religious slogans between Muslims and Christians, which could lead to a crack in society.
The author questions the official statements that the culprit of the Alexandria attacks on churches was mentally-disturbed, urging a pause to reconsider all concepts as far as relations between Egyptian Muslims and Copts are concerned.
A People’s Assembly session was dedicated to debating the assaults on churches in Alexandria by an allegedly insane Muslim man, who stabbed one worshipper to death and injured several others. The session also discussed the failure of the security agencies to stop the culprit.
The review tackles the incidents of Alexandria, where a man, alleged by the Ministry of the Interior to be a lunatic, stormed three churches one after the other, and stabbed worshippers while chanting Muslim slogans in praise of the Prophet Muhammad.
Talāl al-Ansārī, the second defendant in the so-called al-Fanīya al-‘Askarīya [Armed Forces Technical College] case of the 1974 abortive coup, continues publishing episodes of his diary in Rose al-Yousuf magazine, recounting how he received strict orders from first defendant Sālih Sarīya to deny...
The author focuses on conditions in Egypt during the time of the Fatimid Dynasty, a group of Shi’ite Muslims who descended from Fātima al-Zahrā’, the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad and wife of ‘Alī Ibn Abī Tālib, the prophet’s cousin and fourth Orthodox caliph.
Ayman al-Zawāhrī has sent two emails to one of his old colleagues in Egypt, which have made it clear that he is afraid of losing his ideological grip on al-Qā’ida.


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