Displaying 6481 - 6490 of 10154.
The Azhar has rejected a book, taught at the American University in Cairo, after it was found to contain many insults to Islam.
Satellite TV channels are now playing a major role in increasing public awareness and disseminating Islamic culture.
Natural disasters, including earthquakes, hurricanes and famines are not God’s revenge on the people of the world, Grand Imām of the Azhar, Shaykh Muhammad Sayyid Tantāwī said.
A discussion of martyrdom in Islam and the distinction between martyrdom, suicide and terrorism.
The 2005 parliamentary elections will be run according to the individual, as opposed to the voting list system. Jamāl As‘ad discusses sectarianism within Egyptian politics.
An article concerning the role of universities in resisting American culture.
The author rejects calls for the abolition of article 2 of the constitution, which makes Islam the religion of the state and Islamic jurisprudence the principal source of legislation. He suggests that all laws should conform to sharī’a, provided that the Christians’ right to practice their faith is...
An attack on the ’so-called analysts’ of satellite television who argue that terrorist operations are only a reaction, provoked by the atrocities committed by the Americans and Israelis in Palestine, Afghanistan, Kashmir and Iraq.
The author claims that Jewish corruption of Islamic texts dates back to the period of the Sahāba [Prophet Muhammad’s companions], and examines three categories of corruption.
Reform of Islamic thought has been a topic for discussion ever since it the idea was initiated by Shaykh Muhammad ‘Abduh and Shaykh Jamāl al-Dīn al-Afghānī back in the 19th century.


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