Displaying 7031 - 7040 of 10154.
One-hundred fifty researchers, academics, politicians and experts from the US and 35 Islamic states attended the three day conference in Doha about US-Islamic dialogue. The forum discussed numerous aspects critical to the relations between the convening parties safter September 11th.
The West embraced some Islamic thinkers to hit Islam. Those thinkers call for a new reading of the Qur’ān and understanding of Islam. Unproductive debate and corrupting dialogue are their tools to reformulate an Islam that suits Western fashion.
The Denmark Queen, Margrethe II, said that Islam is representing a menace, locally and internationally, because of extremist Muslims, as she described, and asked its government not to show tolerance towards them. A similar statement was mentioned in her autobiography.
Though the West has been discriminating against Islam for years, history provides for Western efforts to understand Islam, believing in the driving force of its spiritual power that is not-existent in the West. Thus, the fear of Islam emanates from fear that Muslims could regain their old hegemony...
The author [a Muslim intellectual] writes about a debate that took part between him and a member of the Gama’a Al-Islamiya on change of educational curricula in Muslim countries. The debate was aired by Al-Jazeera satellite channel on February 17, 2004. Sheikhs in Egyptian mosques continued the...
The media secretariats in the NDP’s branches in the governorates started discussing the working paper that concerns the development of the religious discourse. The religious discourse that we need should play a central role in forming our religious conscience, which cannot develop without the...
In a cultural symposium attended by Ahmad Abdel Mo’ti Hegazy in the Kuwaiti Cultural Center, participants discussed the modernizing of the religious discourse. Many controversial issues related to the main subject triggered dialogue and heated answers.
Abeeda, a Palestinian woman of 27 wanted to take revenge for her fiancé’s death at the hands of Israeli soldiers just days before their scheduled wedding date. She wore an explosive belt and walked toward the soldiers, but she was caught and put in prison. Twenty other women are sentenced to the...
The article is an interview with Abdel Moneim Abu Al-Fotouh, a leading member of the Muslim Brotherhood. Questions raised in the interview includes whether it is possible for the Islamic movement to merge with democracy and whether it is possible to have an Islamic movement for whom democracy is...
A new crisis almost begun in the Egyptian Journalists’ Syndicate when a Brotherhood member accused Mounir Fakhry Abdel Nour, Deputy Head of the Wafd opposition party, of being the mouthpiece of the government. This took place during a seminar on political reform in Egypt held in the Journalists’...


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